When I Was 20, I Worked the Graveyard Shift Alone at a Gas Station

And learned the value of listening to your intuition.

Samantha Blake
The Virago


Just after college, I moved in with my best friend who had just started grad school. We were excited to live together, but the move was spontaneous and for me, rather foolish.

Because for the life of me, I could not find a job.

When I originally planned to move in with her, I had a job somewhat lined up so I was confident that I’d be financially okay. But as it turns out, I put all my eggs in that basket and was definitely overconfident, because the job fell through. I was young, naïve, and unfortunately not great at thinking ahead so when my employment prospect disappeared, my remaining money quickly started dwindling.

I was worried, but didn’t want to admit it.

In the back of my mind I knew that if I asked my older brother, he would be able to lend me some money to hold me over. But my 20-year-old self was determined to “make it work”. My brother had done it, and I didn’t want to be the daughter who failed to measure up.

I wanted desperately to prove that I could do it myself, without help.



Samantha Blake
The Virago

Writer & certified professional life coach for women. Making a change through words and the power of human connection. Work with me here: www.shethewarrior.net