When You Leave a Narcissist, Here’s What to Expect

They’re not done hurting you

Suzanna Quintana
The Virago


Photo by Ummano Dias on Unsplash

If you’re on the fence about leaving a narcissist, this article is not to scare you away from doing so (in fact, please do so).

But you still need to know the truth:

Will a narcissist get worse once you leave them? You can bet on it.

If married, will the divorce be brutal? Well, there’s a reason for the saying, “If you thought being married to a narcissist was bad, wait until you divorce one.”

Is healing after narcissistic abuse harder than living in the abuse itself? No sugar coating here: Yes (though it’s for a good reason — now you’re wide awake and can see a narcissist for who they really are).

But as someone who is speaking to you from the other side of the hell known as leaving a narcissist and the shitshow known as what follows, I swear with every cell of my being that it’s worth it because of the end result:

You’re narcissist-free and you can finally leave the pain they cause behind.

Sweet release. Sweet relief.

I know it might be difficult to picture the future from the heartache you’re drowning in today, but keep the vision in your pocket, like a treasured stone that you can rub your finger over…



Suzanna Quintana
The Virago

My voice is my superpower. Editor-in-Chief of The Virago. Founder of The Online Sanctuary for Healing After Narcissistic Abuse. www.suzannaquintana.com