While I’m Waiting To Be Fired

I have a few thoughts

Glenna Gill
The Virago
Published in
5 min readNov 28, 2021


Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

The way it looks now, I’m going to be fired tomorrow. The Thanksgiving holiday may have delayed it, but I’m sure the email will be waiting for me when I wake up with the heading in all caps. I doubt they would put “YOU’RE FIRED” in the subject line, but then again I haven’t known them very long.

I job hunted for about two months before I landed there, knowing I’d reached the bottom of the barrel. Most of my experience is in medical transcription, but all the better companies turned me down. Usually, it was because I failed their typing test. I’d get 100% on the grammar and punctuation sections, but I know my speed in getting words down has become increasingly less over time.

Nevertheless, I was thrilled when this company hired me. I’d have regular steady money coming in twice a month. After three months, I could get health insurance for me and my daughter. I wouldn’t have to depend on my husband as much because I’d have funds set up to save money while at the same time contributing to our family. There were even bonuses that one could earn for extra work. I looked forward to starting and maybe relaxing a little bit about finances.

They sent me an email telling me that another woman and I were going to be training together over the Internet by a lady who was in charge of…



Glenna Gill
The Virago

My memoir, “When I Was Lost,” is available now. Owner of Memories Mastered publication. Writing here since 2018 and love it!