Why I Refuse to Accept a Male Doctor’s Name for Our Female Prostate

Why the G Spot and Squirting Isn’t

Rhyena Halpern
The Virago


Photo by Maria Talks on Unsplash

The G-Spot was ironically, but typically according to the norms of institutionalized sexism, named after a man.

Eric Grafenberg was a German gynecologist and conducted research in the 1940’s that referred to this pleasurable area inside the vaginal canal.

I refuse to refer to a very intimate place of female pleasure inside of me after a dude.

Old Eric G. may have been a very nice man. Maybe he was an enlightened, neo-feminist. But his name — or the first initial of his name- does not belong on or in any of our bodies.

Besides, it's not a spot. It is a region, an area, a whole system of tissues that engorge and where sex liquids release.

Speaking of release, I don’t squirt. That is something for plastic toy water guns. Such a paltry, minimizing, demeaning word.

I can’t decide which term is more infuriating:

The word ‘squirting’ trivializes an amazing and wonderful function of our amazing and wonderful bodies; the term ‘g spot’ maintains the chains of male experts in our bodies.

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Rhyena Halpern
The Virago

Proud member of 60+ women who are having the best sex of their lives club. Writes on Sex & Relationships, Wellness, Healing, Wise Eldering, Death & Dying.