Why You Should Dare To Go Topless in All the Places Men Do

Take your top off and finally be as comfortable as he is.

Sarah Stroh
The Virago


Photo provided by author

I was at a public beach far out in Brooklyn with a guy I was seeing and some of his friends when four breasts came out.

Two of his female friends took off their tops and ran into the water with only a bikini bottom on. As soon as they did, I looked left and right at the other New York beach-goers around us…

Big Latin families serving each other hot food, an old wrinkly couple drinking cocktails, a group of friends dancing to Caribbean music, teenagers in groups smoking cigarettes and taking selfies.

We weren’t at Burning Man or on some sexy beach in southern France. We were in Brooklyn with everyone and their mothers.

I couldn’t have imagined doing what they had just done. First off, no other woman on the beach had their top off. Second, I wasn’t comfortable enough with my tiny boobs to expose them so shamelessly in front of strangers. Third, I’d already spent a lot of energy in my life trying to avoid being ogled or cat-called. Wasn’t this just asking for it?

I was a little worried that this might be expected of me when hanging out in this crowd.



Sarah Stroh
The Virago

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