You Can’t Be Anti-Sex Work and Pro-NFL

They’re actually the same thing

The Virago


Photo by Brian Lawson on Unsplash, Photo by Ryan Reinoso on Unsplash

I’d never seen such devastation on a person’s face. If he could have launched across the table and strangled me, he would have. He wanted to watch me turn blue and suffocate under his grip after I’d said it.

“You can’t be anti-sex work, but okay with the NFL.”

I’d said it mostly in jest. But, I wasn’t wrong. Based on his own anti-sex work logic, it didn’t make sense for him to like football as much as he did. Especially not investing in the Super Bowl as well as buying the channel, merchandise from his favourite team, and even tickets to the game one year.

There’s no real point in ‘debating’ people about the topic of sex work. Everyone has more or less agreed on a universal understanding that it’s an ‘immoral’ thing to do. Something about “selling your body.” Women selling their bodies is the lowest form of work there is. We rarely question why we came to this conclusion.

It’s primarily a religious construct that has very little to do with ‘morality’ and all to do with policing women’s bodies. There always seemed to be more laws surrounding what women can and can’t do than men. Non-religious people alike generally don’t feel positive about sex work. Or, even neutral. Still, religion impacts morality, whether you’re religious…



The Virago

Freelance writer, video editor, Youtuber, & Complainer. I promise I’m a lot more fun at parties than these articles make you think. /