Moonlit Flowers

A.j Thomas
The Vixen Chronicles


Are we blind to the artificial beauty we are forced to hold once the moonlit flowers fade?

Photo by Bianca Berg on Unsplash

Blinded by the breathtaking beauty they hold,
Feeling the rush as the velvet as it brushes against my skin,
Swept away by the sweet scent of the layers as they unfold,
Tasting the dew as it falls against my cheeks,

Cascading down from the heavens, like a gentle rainfall of tears,
As time slowly steals you away,
Fading slowly through the years,
Drowning in the memories,

Hiding the sunlight that once illuminated from your smile,
With every storm cloud that passes,
Holding on to forever in a fleeting glimpse of eternity,
When I gaze into your eyes,

A window into your soul that weeps,
A sorrow that melts away with your touch,
Withering in the icy bitter cold when you are away,
Frozen in time, for if only a moment of perfection,

Flashing before my eyes the life that we share,
Is only as temporary on this earth as a delicate flower,
Advertising the beauty in its prime,
Laying the past to rest as each December fades,



A.j Thomas
The Vixen Chronicles

Literary gutter vixen words of love and lust, sprinkled in pixie dust.