Eastern BOE discusses potential work on roof in first meeting of 2019

Nearly $2 million will be spent on recoating a portion of Eastern Regionals roof this upcoming summer

Matthew Shinkle
The Voorhees Sun
3 min readJan 17, 2019


The Eastern Regional Board of Education held its first regular meeting of the New Year on Wednesday, Jan. 16, to discuss upcoming events and actions in the district.

Business Administrator and Board Secretary Diana Schiraldi said during the meeting an infrared scan was done of the school’s roof to help determine if a new roof should be installed over the center portion of the building this summer.

The scan revealed 33 areas of wet insulation on the top layer of the roof, making up approximately 840 square feet in total of the scanned area, leading to the determination that recoating the roof would be a better solution.

“It only represents 1 percent of the total area of that area of the roof, which is very small,” Schiraldi said. “So it really is more cost effective to just recoat, and not do a complete tear off and rebuild of the roof.”

In recent years, new roofs have been installed on opposite ends of the school. The proposed recoat would be applied to the center portion of the building to last for an expected 15 years before another coat would need to be applied.

The board authorized $1,976,500 to be pulled from Capital Reserve for the project.

The board also announced that on Jan. 7, Superintendent Harold Melleby, Director of Curriculum Robert Cloutier and Schiraldi met with county officials for Eastern’s midyear budget review to discuss the school’s plans for the budget for the next year.

“It went very well, it always does,” Schiraldi said. “They’re very impressed with Eastern Regional.”

Melleby said meetings are still being conducted with other schools in the district so they are awaiting a follow-up report, however they received a good preliminary report and were recognized as a high-achieving district.

With Gov. Murphy set to give his budget address on Feb. 26, Eastern Regional expects to receive its state aid notice by Feb. 28, although this is subject to change. Budgets will then be due March 20 for school districts in the county.

Also approved during the meeting was a memorandum of agreement between Eastern Regional and the Voorhees Township Police Department. Administrators met with the police department to discuss the relationship and meet, as they must do annually, to discuss services for the school.

An addendum was also signed granting the police department continued access to Eastern Regionals cameras “at all times.”

Lastly, the board reminded those in attendance there are still tickets available for the Education Foundations fundraiser, the Joe Conklin Comedy Show, on Friday, Jan 25 with doors opening at 7 p.m. while the show starts at 8 p.m. at Eastern Regional High School. Tickets are $30 and can be purchased from the schools website at www.eccrsd.us. Tickets can also be purchased at the door the night of the event.

At the end of meeting, board member Craig Speechley, representing Gibbsboro, announced he was stepping down from his position due to personal reasons that are taking him out of the district.

The board’s next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 20. The meeting will start at 6:45 p.m. to honor the Eastern Regional girls soccer team after its state championship season. The regularly scheduled meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.

