Kresson students Skype with author for question and answer sessions

The Voorhees Sun
Published in
1 min readJan 14, 2016

For all those who have ever been reading a book and wanted to ask the author a question about a character or scene, Sandy Rocco’s fifth graders at Kresson Elementary School were able to do exactly that.

Rocco’s students have been reading the historical fiction novel, “The Captive” by Joyce Hansen.

Hansen, a Coretta Scott King Award winner, has participated in numerous question and answer sessions with the fifth graders using Skype.

She has answered everything from, “How do you decide about what you are going to write?” to “Why did you decide to have the main character betrayed by a family member?”

Rocco said the ability to ask Hansen questions was an incredible experience for students and one the students won’t soon forget.

