Taxes remain flat in proposed Voorhees Township municipal budget

The Voorhees Sun
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2015

The Voorhees Township Committee officially introduced the annual budget at its Feb. 23 meeting.

Residents will see their municipal tax bill remain flat, with the local tax rate being 58 cents per every $100 in value of assessed property.

As with last year, residents with a home of the average assessed value of $255,500 will pay about $1,500 yearly in total municipal taxes, or about $125 per month.

The total budget appropriations for 2015 were set at $27.91 million, nearly identical to the $27.82 million in 2014.

As such, this year the amount to be raised by taxation is set at $18.72 million, almost exactly the same as the $18.71 million raised by taxation in 2014.

“As introduced, there’s no municipal tax increase in this budget,” said Larry Spellman, administrator of Voorhees Township. “We’re proud of that.”

According to Spellman, several factors from the previous several years have come together to help keep taxes flat in the 2015 budget, including reductions in township staff, the tax collection rate going up and an increase in employee contributions for health benefits.

Spellman and township financial officials said the property revaluation from several years ago also helped the township deal with tax appeals, which before were costing the township anywhere from $1 million to $1.5 million annually.

A public hearing on the budget is set for March 23, and if there is no need for any changes, committee can adopt the budget that night as well.

In other news:

• Committee adopted a new ordinance outlining new regulation for how dogs can and can’t be tethered in the township.

Under the ordinance, which took effect immediately, un-neutered or un-spayed dogs cannot be tethered at any time, and those who are spayed or neutered cannot be tethered with a tether weighing more than one-eighth of their weight.

The tether must also be at least 15 feet long with an operative swivel, with the dog always having access to food, water and shelter, and the dog cannot be tethered for more 24 hours at a time.

The collar used with the tether cannot be a slip collar, prong collar or choke chain collar, and tethers cannot be used where the tether could be tangled around objects such as stakes, tree, poles and fences.

The ordinance gives local law enforcement and animal control the authority to take reasonable measures to remove the animals from the tether and take them to the pound if the ordinance is violated.

• Upon the recommendation of Voorhees Township Police Department Chief Louis Bordi, committee approved the promotion of Anthony Russo to the rank of sergeant.

• Committee approved the renewal of a liquor license for Pub Management LLC at 2011 Main St. for the renewal fee of $2,500.

• Committee passed a resolution declaring solidarity and support for law enforcement officers by recognizing their “distinctive service and dedicated efforts,” which have earned from the committee “highest respect and deepest gratitude.”

Committee was approving the resolution as certain public officials and other public figures across the nation have perpetuated “false narratives” that have made law enforcement officers targets of reprisals.

The resolution states it is incumbent upon public officials and the law-abiding public to “proactively support our law enforcement officers,” who face danger and regularly place their lives in jeopardy.

In the resolution, committee recognizes law enforcement officers for “selfless and heroic service” and “invaluable contributions” upholding the law protecting the innocent in Voorhees Township.

