Township introduces shopping program

The Voorhees Sun
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2013

The township is introducing a unique opportunity to keep Voorhees dollars in Voorhees and allow residents to save on their property taxes.

“It encourages Voorhees residents to shop in Voorhees and to receive a tax credit,” Mayor Michael Mignogna said. “It’s good for our business; it’s good for our residents.”

“Shop Voorhees!” will officially kick off in mid-October, with residents receiving a card via mail within the next two weeks. The card will allow residents to have tax credits accrue, which the township can track through their Voorhees purchases.

After registering the card at or, residents can swipe their card at any participating retailer in Voorhees at the time of their purchase and save a designated percentage off their property taxes.

Each business will independently establish a percentage that will be applied to residents’ taxes and will be distinguished by a “Shop Voorhees!” logo affixed in their storefront window. Residents can also view the list of participating retailers online.

According to Mignogna, this initiative has already proven successful in several North Jersey municipalities with Voorhees being the first town in South Jersey to implement the program.

After learning about the program from an article about a North Jersey town, both Economic Development Director Mike Marchitto and liaison to the Economic Development Committee, Committeeman Harry Platt, put calls into the North Jersey town’s mayor and Economic Development Committee to get the specifics of the program.

Working on implementing the program since January, both Marchitto and Platt reached out to businesses in Voorhees as well as FinCredit, which hosts the program, and sponsor Republic Bank.

Platt explained that although the cards would cost $1 each, they needed to find a sponsor that would be willing to cover the cost of purchasing one card for each resident.

“The Economic Development Committee is constantly putting together marketing and seeing this project through,” Platt said.

Platt added that the Economic Development Committee even held a merchant meeting with business owners so that they could learn more about the initiative.

“Most of the people thought it was an amazing way for people to come to them,” Platt said.
Platt explained that Voorhees businesses liked the idea, because it could potentially convince residents to go to a specific shop in Voorhees instead of in a neighboring town.
Platt explained that there are currently 25 businesses in Voorhees that are signed up to participate in “Shop Voorhees!,” which exceeds the goal set by FinCredit of 20 to 25 participants.

“People will see results,” Platt said. “ I believe it’s really going to snowball.”

Just two weeks ago, both Mignogna and township administrator Lawrence Spellman engaged in a governor-sponsored economic roundtable with other mayors from Camden County and discussed the specifics of the tax-credit program.

“They were very excited to be implementing the program,” Mignogna said.

Mignogna went on to say that the program is completely free to residents and will not cause the township to lose any tax revenue, since it is the businesses that will be deciding what percentage of the total purchase goes toward the residents’ tax credit.

Tax credits through “Shop Voorhees!” will accrue from tax year to tax year.

There is no cut off date for when a resident can register their card, including future residents of Voorhees, who will receive their card following their move to the township.
Those Voorhees residents who live in an apartment will also be able to participate and will instead receive a check toward their rent at the end of the tax year.

“I’m hoping that it will encourage residents to shop in our community, because everybody will benefit,” Mignogna said.

With this initiative being the first tax-credit initiative in the township, Mignogna said the Voorhees Business Association and the township’s Economic Development Committee are very active in promoting business in the township.

Platt also added that Marchitto is arranging for the summer series signs within the township to be converted into “Shop Voorhees!” signs. Platt has also written a letter to introduce the program to residents, which will be sent out in the weeks to come.

“This is a very exciting program to work on in the last year,” Platt said. “This is a very dedicated committee.”

Mignogna said the township recently sent out a business survey to all businesses in Voorhees to garner input and to see how the township could improve business growth.
“It’s not only important to get new business in Voorhees, but to help all businesses thrive,” Mignogna said.

For more information on “Shop Voorhees!,” call FinCredit at (732) 946–0919 or Marchitto at 216–0473.

