Voorhees committee sets new guidelines for parking regulations

The Voorhees Sun
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2014

The Voorhees Township Committee on June 9 set new guidelines for regulating traffic in two parking lots in town. The two parking lots in question are the Hampton Inn on Route 73 and Republic Bank at 101 Laurel Oak Road.

“There have been a number of complaints about these parking areas,” Township Administrator Larry Spellman said. “Specifically, handicapped parking and cars being left overnight were concerns.”

To enforce traffic laws in these parking lots, the committee read second ordinances making the provisions of Subtitle One of Title 39 applicable to the parking lots.

“Those parking lots are private property,” Spellman said. “Without these ordinances, the township can’t enforce any laws there.”

Subtitle One of Title 39 outlines a number of regulations for these parking lots that the township will now be able to enforce, including handicapped parking, stop signs, speed limits, tow away zones and passing zones. The township will install stop signs in many of the intersections in these parking lots and will adjust the speed limit to 15 mph.

“The goal is to make the citizens feel safe,” Spellman said. “Now that we can enforce these laws in those parking lots, there shouldn’t be any more issues.”

The provisions will take effect immediately, giving the township the authority to begin enforcing the new regulations.

The June 9 meeting also saw the insertion of $52,000 into the budget from the state 2014 Clean Communities Grant.

“We have received this grant the past few years,” Spellman said. “The funds must be used for litter clean up.”

The sum of the money will be appropriated under the title “garbage and trash” and will be used to continue to clean up litter in the town.

The township also inserted an additional $2,185 into the budget from the state Alcohol Education, Rehabilitation and Enforcement Fund.

This money will be used to further educate municipal employees on alcoholism and how to better educate the public.

In other news:

• A state contract purchase was awarded for the purchase of police interceptor utility vehicles. • The committee submitted a certified copy of the annual audit resolution.

• The township renewed the liquor licenses of nine businesses in Voorhees.

• The next meeting will be held on June 23 at 7:30 p.m.

