Voorhees man charged with child pornography

On March 2, 34-year-old Joshua Crisamore was charged with one count of third-degree possession of child pornography.

Grace Maiorano
The Voorhees Sun
2 min readMar 6, 2018


The following information is from the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office:

Joshua Crisamore, a 34-year-old Voorhees resident, has been charged with one count of third-degree possession of child pornography according to the Camden County Prosecutor Mary Eva Colallilo and Voorhees Township Police Chief Louis Bordi.

He was charged on March 2 after Detectives from the High Tech Crimes Unit (HTCU) of the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office executed a search warrant this morning at his residence on Sandra Road in Voorhees. An on-site preview of digital media devices found in the home resulted in Crisamore being charged.

Devices that were seized from the home were sent to the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office’s HTCU Forensic lab to be further analyzed.

The Camden County Prosecutor’s Office HTCU Detectives were assisted on this case by members of Homeland Security Investigations — Cherry Hill Office, the Voorhees Township Police Department and the Lower Camden County Special Response Team.

Crisamore was arrested and taken to the Voorhees Police Department where he was processed and released later that day.

All persons charged with crimes are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

