Vue is now on OpenCollective!

Evan You
The Vue Point
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2017

Today we are happy to announce that we have started to accept financial contributions to the Vue project via OpenCollective.

Why OpenCollective?

The question many will probably ask is “why OpenCollective when you already have a successful Patreon campaign?” — there are a few reasons:

  • When I started the Patreon campaign, the primary goal was providing myself with enough income so that I can work on Vue full-time. Today, as the Vue community grows, there are more and more contributions from the community, and OpenCollective’s transparent expense model could help us scale the financial contributions beyond a single developer.
  • OpenCollective is also a platform built with open source projects in mind. It has done a really great job engaging with the open source community, so sponsors also benefit from better community exposure. It’s very encouraging to see projects like webpack thriving on OpenCollective.
  • It also provides nice technical features such as GitHub integration, automating backers listing, and invoice generation.

What About Patreon?

The primary difference between our Patreon and OpenCollective campaigns are that the funds donated via Patreon goes directly to support my full-time effort on Vue — so it is still critically important. The Patreon campaign will continue to accept donations and all current backer/sponsor perks will remain the same.

In comparison, funds donated to OpenCollective will be managed with transparent expenses — this allows us to use these funds to support major undertakings by core contributors, and sponsor community events such as meetups or even conferences.

No matter whether you are a freelancer or a company building core products using Vue, no matter which platform you choose, one thing is certain: your contributions will help keep Vue sustainable and make it better in the future.



Evan You
The Vue Point

Creator and project lead of Vue.js. I design, code and sometimes dream about making art.