Embrace Vue Storefront new Tech Leader

Aleksandra Kwiecien
The Vue Storefront Journal
2 min readMay 7, 2019

Vue Storefront is growing like crazy. To keep up the pace and consistency of development, we have decided to expand the Vue Storefront team with a new tech leader. Everyone — please meet Mr. Sander Mangel :)

The community gathered around Vue Storefront has hit over 1,500 developers on Slack and 45 official partners. This ambitious and incredibly active group of developers generates several PRs on Github each day and pushes our PWA frontend forward with unprecedented speed. Thank you guys for all your commits!

To speed up this process and grow the vibrant Vue Storefront community even more, we invited Sander Mangel as a Vue Storefront Technical Leader.

The new VS Technical Leader

Sander is an experienced technical lead who specializes in building eCommerce-oriented IT teams and products. In the last few years, he strongly focused on contributing and developing the Magento community, for which he was chosen Magento Master for 3 years in a row.

For me, my job is something I can put my passion into, it’s an important part of who I am and so any job I do should reflect my beliefs and values. And ideally, indulge me in my hobbies such as events, travel and Open Source projects. I know, I’m asking for a lot.

Exactly for that reason, I’m so excited to join the Vue Storefront team as a new Technical Leader. Working with this ambitious and skilled team to further development on the Vue Storefront project, as well as implementing the solution for the biggest merchants in Europe and the US is an amazing opportunity.” — Sander Mangel, Technology Leader at Vue Storefront

Along with keeping Vue Storefront core development on track, Sander is about to become a firestarter, empowering developers, involving them in open source projects and strengthening the global network of the VS community.

“Giving an amazing community around Vue Storefront more visibility is something that is important to me. Expect to see us at events, hackathons, publishing online content and reaching out to the broader community. “ — Sander Mangel, Technology Leader at Vue Storefront

In the upcoming weeks, you can meet Sander at Magento Imagine, Shopware Community Days and other VS meetups.

Give him a warm welcome, and stay tuned. We just released Vue Storefront 1.9, our partners launched 5 new stores on VS, including Klebefieber.de , Meubelplaats.nl, Kentaur.de, and more is coming :D.

