Over 20 PR’s after 4th Vue Storefront hackathon. The Hackathon Season is open!

Piotr Karwatka
The Vue Storefront Journal
3 min readJan 25, 2019

Last Friday (18th of Jan) was a Hack Day for Vue Storefront Community. Contributors from Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, and the UK met to work together on developing new features and refactoring.

More than 30 folks gathered in the Divante’s office in Wrocław + about 84 attendees joining us remotely via Slack. It was the biggest VS Hackathon so far.

It started with the brief Introduction to Vue Storefront Development training.

Vue Storefront Starting Guide from #4 Vue Storefront Hackathon

During the day there were about 20 Pull Requests accepted including:


The event showed once again that the community gathered around Vue Storefront is incredibly open and friendly.

The official slack channel became primary communication channel and many developers joined hackathon remotely. Divante, along with other core contributors — Develo Design, Snowdog and Virtua — coordinated necessary works, but also encouraged to opening new topics. Newcomers had unique opportunity to learn Vue.js and Vue Storefront basics directly from core contributors and proved that motivation empowers skills.

Official Vue Storefront Hackathons all over the world

Even before we’ve finished the 4th official hackathon there were next two just announced:

  • 5th Official Vue Storefront Hackathon, 1st Feb 2019, by Bitbull and Eataly in Milano — Get Your Tickets!
  • 6th Official Vue Storefront Hackathon, 12th Feb 2019, by Get.Noticed in Amsterdam — Get Your Tickets! It’s one day before Vue.js Amsterdam where our Filip is having a speech :)
  • 7th — will be announced shortly — probably — Stockholm

It’s becoming a global event! If You like to organize an official Vue Storefront Hackathon please contact us: contributors@vuestorefront.io. We’re providing You with all the marketing stuff, training + Core Developers attending Your event.

The Hackathons are great chances to:

  • take a free Vue Storefront developers training,
  • meet the Core Contributors (they’re our trainers — by the way :)),
  • write some code and start Your Open Source Journey

Meet the Core Team

The Hackathon and Conference Season is now Open. You can meet our team at the upcoming events:

  • 5th Official Vue Storefront Hackathon, 1st Feb 2019, Milano
  • Meet Magento India, 2–3rd Feb, Ahmedabad — Tom Karwatka is having a speech on Open Source and Vue Storefront in there,
  • 6th Official Vue Storefront Hackathon, 12th Feb 2019, Amsterdam
  • Vue.js Amsterdam — Filip Rakowski is having a speech — 13–14th Feb 2019, Amsterdam
  • … more to be announced shortly.

Demo Theme Prize Challenge

The best demo theme author will be promoted and officially showcased. Moreover, we have prepared some cool awards. The Challenge is still open till 1st of February. Read more.

