The Vue Storefront Marketplace

Piotr Karwatka
The Vue Storefront Journal
3 min readJan 28, 2019

UPDATE: Due to a lot of requests to postpone the end date of the challenge we decided to set the final date to 21st of March. Three weeks more to submit your works :)

The Vue Storefront Community is growing like crazy! The Category Power of PWAs and great people are making the numbers:

  • 4,000 Github Stars
  • 1,100 Slack users
  • 100 Github Contributors
  • 30 Official Partners

It’s becoming a vibrant ecosystem where agencies are building shops for merchants (with a growing number of production deployments), vendors are providing them with modules and developers and freelancers are contributing new features to the core.

The key to its success is its openness. Anyone can build a module, theme or integration with a third-party backend for Vue Storefront.

We’re receiving a dozen of leads weekly from users wanting Vue Storefront connected to their WooCommerce, or Prestashop backends. It’s a great chance for our partner companies to build massively popular integrations and modules which we’ll promote on our Marketplace — Piotr Karwatka, co-founder of Vue Storefront.

This post is an invitation to build The Vue Storefront Marketplace with us.

We’d like to leverage Vue Storefront’s popularity and make our commitment even stronger — by providing the community with quality themes, modules and integrations.

Marketplace Challenge

The Challenge

To launch our official Marketplace we need to build the critical mass of the modules, themes, and integrations first.

We invite freelancers and companies to build:

  • Integrations — like WooCommerce, IBM Websphere, Hybris, Demandware and Prestashop. Other third-party platforms are welcome;
  • Custom Vue Storefront Modules — especially for Payment providers — like our Braintree, Paypal integrations;
  • Custom Vue Storefront Themes.
Win your way to Core Contributor status!

About the competition

The best authors will be promoted and officially showcased. Moreover, we have prepared some cool rewards:

The 1st place prize:

Core Contributor status (including first-hand support, promotion in sales materials, sales leads, etc.) and 20 working hours of core-team consulting for free (including custom development, and support training worth about 3000 EUR!). What’s more, the winner will receive special Marketplace positioning and a non-obligatory option to continue the development under commercial conditions (development budget/grant).

The 2nd place prize:

Core Contributor status (including first-hand support, promotion in sales materials, sales leads, etc.), 10 working hours of core-team consulting for free (including custom development, and support training worth about 1500 EUR!) and special Marketplace positioning

In addition to the prizes, we will promote the company/person who created the best themes and will try to involve them in the implementation projects where it will be suitable!

The requirements:

  1. The works (integration/module/theme) must work with Vue Storefront 1.7.
  2. It must be released under the MIT license on to let other users use it for their own implementations.
  3. The competition is open to all individuals and companies.
  4. By taking part in this challenge and sending your Vue Storefront module you’re giving Divante permission to publish this MIT licensed module in the Vue Storefront Marketplace and to use it in our marketing materials, case studies and other promo-materials related to Vue Storefront.
  5. You should have permissions/licenses to use them.

How to get started?

Join our Slack and read the docs to get started! Moreover, you may find a lot of community driven resources and blog posts:

The end date of the competition: the 21st of March, 2019

Please inform us that you’re taking part in this competition at

