Vue Storefront Community Support — let’s meet our QA Team

Gabriela Janson
The Vue Storefront Journal
3 min readJun 11, 2019

As you know, our community is continuously growing, and we’re doing our best to provide you with the support you need. That is why we are excited to introduce several ideas for improvements in this field!

First of all — Slack. It is a great place to exchange knowledge, discuss, and verify ideas. We do not doubt that it works great, and it binds the community together!

However, Slack has a short memory :) The once-answered questions are challenging to find, or they disappear along with a conversation history. For that reason, from today, we would like to invite you to help us build a knowledge base on The Vue Storefront Forum.

What does it mean? When you have a question or problem, ask on the Forum! :) In this way, together we create a place where everyone can easily find answers. From now on, the Vue Storefront forum is also the official space where Core Team members answer the questions.

The QA Team

As we take our support to the next level, we would like you to meet Core QA Team! Gabi, Alina, and Artur help you find or get the answers.

Alina, Artur and Gabi :)

Alina works at Divante, our Core Partner, for almost two years, and she is part of the QA Team for a few months. As she jokes: she became a software tester accidentally, four years ago. She has much experience in manual tests of the web, mobile, and desktop applications. She likes to dance in her free time.

Artur works with VS since February 2019. He is experienced in functional testing for VS Core as well as its commercial implementations. His QA motto is: “I didn’t break it. I just proved it was already broken”. When finally let out from the office, Artur spends most of his free time with his camera — taking landscape and architecture photos.

Gabi joined the VS Core Team a few months ago. She is a tester of web applications with over two years of experience, but she also worked as a Scrum Master. Currently, she completes post-graduate studies in testing web and server applications. In her free time, she likes to try new flavors in restaurants and cook at home.

We support you by looking for existing issues on the Vue Storefront forum or GitHub. Don’t mind if we ask you from time to time to move the discussion to the Forum — because it’ll help make the answers more persistent and helpful to the other folks. If you ask a new question on the Forum, we keep the Core Team informed so that you get the answer as soon as possible.

See you at the Vue Storefront forum!

Learn more about Vue Storefront — a PWA solution for eCommerce.

