Vue Storefront hackathon wrap-up

Piotr Karwatka
The Vue Storefront Journal
3 min readMay 22, 2018

It was a busy weekend! Last weekend we were hosting a Vue Storefront hackathon — it was supposed to last just one day but … folks from ended up with PRs just on the Monday’s night! :)

More than 15 developers visited us at Divante HQ — some worked remotely with us being connected by the Slack channel.

The event was part of Wro Open Source — OSS dev day we’re organising each year in Wrocław. The weather was perfect, the beer was chilled and the the feeling of brother/sister-hood was very unique.

We’re publishing 1.0 stable on the 1st of June and this Hackathon was a major step towards the next release. We’ve closed around 17 Pull Requests:

  • Webpack 4 support has been added thanks to David Rouyer; David did great job with the es-lint fixes (for example limiting the lodash imports which change saved us lot of the bundle-size after compilation),
  • Bartek Igielski and Damian Fiałkiewicz have just finished a large refactoring and optimization effort of the Core Components,
  • Anna Karon has added the support for Magento CMS integration (the PR is yet to come)
  • Marcin Lasak extended the Travis CI configuration to install the Vue Storefront and start the server while testing the PRs — so it’s great prelude to end 2 end tests. Oh, and he added the Cypress support for e2e tests :)
Dehydration is one of the risks that awaits for developers during the hackathons. Be aware of it and drink more than You think You need to.
  • Filip Rakowski came with the idea of the modernised theme-starter theme which will be great starter for the new themes (as now the default theme is) — it’s work in progress now,
  • Updated Italian translation is also there thanks to Lorena!
  • Updated PWA manifest + iOS fixes thanks to Malwurf
  • Adam did a long awaited wishlist refactor
  • Bartek Dominiak refactored the whole Thank You page
  • Paweł Szafrański started working on the crossell/upsell sync with Magento
  • Patryk re-factored the Notifications
  • Dominika made some cool UI improvements
  • Pawel made some more UI tweaks ;P

Thanks for all the attendees! For sure we’ll have some more events like this in the short term future!

Nobody told Bartek Igielski that the hackathon has just ended ;)

