Adele Barbato
The W.A.I.F. Project
1 min readNov 19, 2017

The WAiF Project seeks submissions that are equal parts personal anthropology and creative narrative. As such, we look for stories that are well-crafted, engaging, and self-aware. This journal envisions itself a forum where the content and issues raised in the stories themselves are as important as the way in which they’re communicated. We are interested in universal themes found in individual experience, and want to hear about the lessons that are hardest fought. We are not interested in bias, political manifestos, or opinion. But if you have an insight learned through experience, we want to know about it.

ISSUE 1: Choice

The inaugural issue of The WAiF Project will explore the idea of choosing to migrate.

Why move?

What was going on in your life before you left?

​Maybe it wasn’t the biggest move, but a transition that held a lot of growth, or poignancy, for you?

Maybe the reason your parents, or grandparents, moved still affects your life today?

​Maybe you didn’t realize what the move meant until after you were settled somewhere new?

​Maybe you didn’t really have a choice?

Tell us the story.

DEADLINE: Dec 15, 2017
Visit our Submission Guidelines page to learn more:

