What The Walkabout is About

A bit of background on our mission, principles, and values.

The Walkabout
3 min readJan 23, 2021


“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” -Jiddu Krishnamurti

Welcome to The Walkabout, a publication for a new era of individual and societal transformation, healing, and renewal.

Like the Australian Aboriginal rite of passage from which this pub draws its name, The Walkabout is a journey we all go through in mind, body, and spirit. It’s a voyage of self-discovery, leaving the comfort of the known to uncover deeper truths about ourselves and our place in the world. It’s questioning the status quo, learning from challenging experiences, and embracing a new perspective.

As of this writing, in the beginning of 2021, it’s clear we’re in a deep crisis of moral and ethical leadership around the world, and that many of the tired ideas we’ve been holding onto about life aren’t working anymore.

Thankfully we’re entering the Age of Aquarius, a pivotal time for letting go of old ways of thinking and living. New, innovative ideas and compassionate approaches for living together harmoniously will emerge from the ashes of our fallen systems.

Our mission here at The Walkabout is to assist in this transition by providing a place for transformational ideas and stories to surface, born of honest and authentic storytelling. These are personal transmissions from the heart, united in one common humanity.

With that in mind, here are some principles and values that drive our mission:

What We Do Around Here:

  • We stand in our truth. We speak openly and honestly, we own our experience, and we use our words to heal ourselves and help each other.
  • We stay curious, inviting opportunities to better understand “the other”. We believe we can learn from those that don’t look like us, speak like us, have sex like us, worship like us, or hold certain political opinions like ours.
  • We approach the subject matter of our writing with an open heart and a flexible mind. What did our experience teach us? What new insights are we carrying forward?

What We Don’t Do Around Here:

  • We don’t hide behind pen names or other false representations of ourselves. As authenticity is one of our core values, we’re here to be who we really are in real life. You might have a perfectly valid reason for writing under a pen name — we respect that and hope you can find a good fit for your work in another publication.
  • We don’t speak hatefully in our writing. Hate speech or any writing that disparages another person or group will not be accepted. We won’t publish any writing that promotes “isms”: sexism, racism, ageism, elitism, classism, etc.

The Core Values That Guide Stories You’ll Find on The Walkabout:

  • Empathy
  • Vulnerability
  • Authenticity
  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Inclusion
  • Connection
  • Compassion
  • Open-heartedness
  • Open-mindedness

That all sound good? Now that we see eye-to-eye, please take a look at the Walkabout’s submission guidelines if you’re interested in being added as a writer.

Thanks for your interest in The Walkabout.

Blessings on your way,

Chris & Co.



The Walkabout

Writer exploring cross cultural love, indigenous wisdom, running, self-growth and the pursuit of big goals. Humor for good measure. Tips: Ko-fi.com/thewalkabout