Þingvellir National Park, Iceland 2016

A quick catchup

James Walker
The Walker’s Travel Blog
1 min readDec 26, 2017


It’s almost been four years since we wrote our last travel blog entry and time has flown since then. Back then there were three of us and now there are four. Archie arrived in January 2015 so we now have two lovely (but slightly crazy) little boys.

We’ve had a number of lovely trips since in that time, from Cornwall to France and Iceland, and apologies for not writing about these — Work, life and everything else took over.

However, we’ve now decided to take the long trip Down Under again and revisit our old haunts in Australia once more.

Expect more of the same as last time — except now with two small people in tow!



James Walker
The Walker’s Travel Blog

Enterprise Architect, Tech Evangelist and Founder & MD of Tunbridge Wells-based Digital Agency Redspa