Meet Storyology’s Brisbane student reporters

They’re here to distill the festival for you.

Kate Golden
The Walkley Magazine
2 min readAug 25, 2017


Left to right: Tianna Balmer, Chantelle Bringas, Bryce Harper and Kate McCormack. If you’re at the festival, come say hello!

From Queensland University of Technology, we have Tianna Balmer (Tianna Elyse), an aspiring television reporter. She’s most excited about connecting with a diverse range of people, according to her application. So far so good. Fifteen minutes after our pre-festival newsroom meeting, Tianna was already hustling to wrangle four different speakers.

QUT’s Kate McCormack was most jazzed about the possibility of interviewing a journalistic hero of hers, Gold Walkley-winning photographer Andrew Quilty. More on this soon.

Bryce W. Harper, from the University of Queensland, is looking forward to “the chance to grill and pry and poke with some of the best reporters in the country, of course.” His obsessions: “Photography and the ocean. Preferably at the same time.”

And Chantelle Bringas, also from UQ, comes with a strong interest in humanitarian efforts.

“I’d like to get out of my comfort zone and explore ‘harder’ figures and stories that my university courses wouldn’t usually encourage me to pursue,” she says.

Hovering over our hardworking hustlers are the two journalistic mother hens: Me, and ABC journalist Katherine Feeney … two jacks of all media trades. We’ll be encouraging the students to talk to everyone, push themselves, file fast on unfamiliar platforms — and have fun.

Read their stories on at the Walkley Magazine Storyology page. Follow along on Twitter and let us know how we’re doing at @walkleys.

