Storyology 2017 Podcast Playlist

Bridget Murphy
The Walkley Magazine
6 min readAug 22, 2017

One of our favourite Storyology traditions: giving ourselves an excuse to listen to podcasts during the workday. And we are always hungry for more good ones. So, in advance of Storyology — which kicks off in Brisbane in just two days, and in Sydney next week! — put your headphones on, and get to know some of our speakers.

Don’t have your tickets yet? Get passes for Brisbane or Sydney or Melbourne.

Amy McQuire, Curtain

McQuire co-hosts Curtain with Martin Hodgson, an independent podcast about the relationship between the Australian justice system and Indigenous people. The latest episode, “Attention turns to the police,” explores the case of Elijah Doherty and how police have responded to incidents relating to Aboriginal peoples. (Content advice: This series mentions people that have died.) It’s full on, and worth it.

McQuire is appearing on the Turn your story into a killer podcast panel in Brisbane Aug. 25.

Kristofor Lawson, Moonshot

Moonshot — about “seemingly impossible tech ideas” — is one of five projects that won the Walkleys’ competition for innovation funding last year. In this fascinating episode, “Hacking Humans”, Lawson and his co-host Andrew Moon ask if the human body and brain can be linked with technology and talk about those like Elon Musk who are trying to make it possible.

He’s at Storyology Brisbane giving a lightning talk and joining the podcast panel on Aug. 25.

Sarah McVeigh, The Hookup and Hack

Triple J’s Hack is a radio show first, podcast second, but we’re not going to hold that against it. McVeigh is a regular reporter and occasional host for both Hack — a show that unpacks the news for a younger set — and The Hookup, a late-night exploration of sex, love and relationships.

McVeigh’s recent episode on rising road crimes in our backyard, and the recent ban on Transgender troops in the US Military is substantive, but nowhere near boring. A great listen for those who get bored quickly with current affairs.

On this episode of The Hookup, McVeigh discusses the ups and downs of long distance relationships. I thought I’d post one of the less explicit episodes for the Storyology crowd, but feel free to explore the rest.

McVeigh is telling a story at Storyology After Dark in Brisbane on Aug. 24 about the things that keep people awake at night.

Nakkiah Lui on Sydney Theatre Company

Lui, a writer and actor on ABC TV’s Black Comedy, appears in a recent podcast from Sydney Theatre Company’s Carl Nilsson-Polias. She talks about her play Black is the New White. “I just wanted to make something for Aboriginal actors that didn’t have death in it,” she says.

Lui is also sharing a story at our live magazine, Storyology After Dark, in Brisbane.

Andrew Quilty on Detours

In this installment of Detours, 2016 Gold Walkley winner Quilty talks from his home base in Kabul about working as a photojournalist in Afghanistan. If you’re wondering why someone would choose to work in a warzone so long, Quilty gives all the answers. “When I first came here (Afghanistan)…I kind of thought I would get in, take a few pictures and get out,” he says.

“The country really grew on me, and the story did.”

Quilty will be talking about photojournalism at several Storyology panels and events in Brisbane and Sydney.

Alice Workman, Is It On?

In this episode of BuzzFeed’s political podcast Is It On?, Alice chats about the upcoming Same Sex Marriage postal vote. It’s one of my favourite Aussie podcasts (I’m an absolute politics junkie), and it’s a great way to get up to speed on all things Australian politics. Workman and her guests spell out the nitty-gritty of policy and Parliament in a clear and fun way.

We’re running a panel on making amazing podcasts in Sydney, too — it’s on Aug. 31.

Marc Fennell x Gautam Mishra, Download This Show

Marc Fennell’s weekly Download This Show, produced by the ABC, explores new technology, social media and all new things electronic and digital. In this episode from September 2016, Fennell chats with Gautam Mishra about his startup inkl and how it is becoming a Spotify for news.

Fennell will be moderating a Q&A with Áine Kerr from Facebook after her keynote Aug. 30 at Storyology Sydney. And Mishra will be chatting later that morning about the business of journalism.

Craig Silverman on Canada Land

Since President Donald Trump took office, fake news has become a hot topic in the media. Silverman has become a fake news expert covering it for BuzzFeed. He was a guest on the Canada Land podcast “People Like Fake News Better”, in which he breaks down why this false story on the Pope endorsing Donald Trump fetched over one million engagements. It’s lively and funny — and the Walkleys are devoting a lot of time at Storyology this year to the subject of fake news, so it’s a good way to make sure you have your facts straight before you arrive.

Silverman’s appearing twice in Brisbane. On Friday, our industry day, he’s giving a keynote about how the internet turned fake new into a real threat. Or catch him the next day having a chat with The Conversation’s Lucinda Beaman.

Olivia Rosenman, The Expressionists and The Fourth Estate

The Fourth Estate, which Rosenman hosts weekly, is required listening for media junkies. But did you know about her side gig? The Expressionists is for those who wonder where some of the weirder sayings in Australian English come from, and why we talk the way we do. Hosts Rosenman and Helen Rydstrand trace the origins and meanings behind common and not-so-common idioms and expressions. This episode looks at the role of baked goods in common English expressions. Yes, you read that right.

Rosenman is moderating a Q&A panel about making investigative choices when writing. Catch it on Aug. 31 in Sydney.

10. Áine Kerr on Broadly Speaking

Facebook’s global journalism partnerships manager, Áine Kerr, was the guest on the first installment of Broadly Speaking — a new podcast interviewing leaders about the events that have shaped their lives. Kerr talks about how she got to Facebook and what she does there now, and gives some advice on how to get through a bad day at the office. She’s talking business at Storyology — giving a much-anticipated keynote and joining the new newsroom panel on Aug. 30, so we offer this casual, intimate ep for some nice contrast.

Esther Chan, The Storyful Podcast

In this edition of The Storyful Podcast, Chan chats with her colleagues about how to navigate — and find useful user-generated content — on Chinese social media, without the help of Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.

Chan’s giving a free workshop at Storyology in Sydney Aug. 29 on verification techniques (a popular Storyful event the Walkleys are bringing back for the third year straight). And she’s on an Aug. 31 panel in Sydney about how to rebuild trust in journalism.

Mel Buttle & Patience Hodgson, The Minutes

Some lighter fare, this. Storyology guests Buttle and Hodgson co-host The Minutes, an intermittent podcast where they chat about life and what has been happening in their worlds. (It’s a funnier reboot of You’re Welcome, the advice podcast they did up through 2013.) Buttle also cohosts The Great Australian Bake-Off, and Hodgson is one-third of The Grates; they’re both appearing at Storyology Saturday on Streets of your town, an Aug. 26 panel about Brisbane’s young artists and creatives.

Claire Christian, Ask Pew! Pew!

Christian hosts Ask Pew! Pew! with David Burton; they chat about big ideas. In this episode from December, they look back at the year that was 2016. Outdated but still fun. Plenty of coarse language. Christian is on the aforementioned Brisbane all-star podcasting panel, Aug. 25.

Storyology 2017, the Walkley Foundation’s journalism festival, is running Aug. 24–Sept. 1 across Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.



Bridget Murphy
The Walkley Magazine

Junior Journo & Producer with a mild caffeine dependency.