We need to change the system or we’ll go backwards

A message for women in media, from Women in Media.

Bryce W. Harper
The Walkley Magazine
2 min readAug 26, 2017


An illustrious panel of award-winning female journalists chaired by Tracey Spicer, Kay McGrath, Tonya Mosley (US), and moderated by Kathy McLeish had a strong message for women in media at this year’s Storyology festival in Brisbane.

“I think it is important that women particularly do step up and become brave and talk about any injustices or discrimination that they see,” said McGrath. She, Spicer and McLeish are all part of Women in Media, a national organisation that advocates for women journalists.

McLeish added that it was strange that there was so many terrific women journalists in newsrooms—but so little at the top end of the game.

Four accomplished women—Tracey Spicer, Tonya Mosley, Kay McGrath and Kathy McLeish—discussed how women can beat the odds. Tim Marshall/The Walkley Foundation

The message was clear: Step up. Speak up. And let the corner office know that you’re here.

Mcgrath hammered this message home, encouraging women to “keep pushing to change the system before we go backwards.”

The panel offered some practical guidance on how pursuing change in the newsroom can be achieved. Spicer spoke about the importance of mentoring younger women and encouraging them to be persistent in chasing the type of career they desire and to not self-select out of leadership roles.

Mosley offered an often overlooked piece of advice: Get in your boss’s face. Let them know your goals. And get to know them as people—as she put it, don’t be afraid to “shoot the shit.”

Tianna Balmer coauthored this report with Bryce W. Harper.



Bryce W. Harper
The Walkley Magazine

Journalist and writer @ConatusNews contributor All-round average guy