The Wanderers of Peru
4 min readDec 14, 2015


A small homelike restaurant located in Angamos Este 2655, San Borja in Lima, Peru. Started 20 years ago by a northern man called Dario and his japanese partner, Machin. Focused on Peru’s typical seafood plates along with some of their own creations. Even Though the place itself may seen undistinguished and ordinary don’t be fooled by the appearance and wait to try the superb dishes, outstanding service and pleasant price. You will be amazed.

First, two types of starters that will compliment each other will be given to you. This two contradictory, complementary dishes, will wake your mouth. One is zarandaja, white bean flavored with the right amount of spice. The other, one of the most popular Peruvian snacks in it’s best point of crunchiness and just the right amount of saltiness that will melt your mouth, Cancha.

Famous plates are Tiradito al Dario, a peruvian dish of raw fish cut in the shape of sashimi with a touch of their own originality. Takuyaki, a combination of the famous peruvian dish Tacu Tacu with some japanese influence.

I recommend you Langostinos Empanizados as a must. Massive shrimps along with fresh yuca which you can both accompany with appetizing salsa tartara.

If you are in for a challenge, Pulpo al Olivo is your dish. Pure octopus seasoned by the sweetness of olive oil with the touch of oregano creating a superlative flavor and the dish, so prominent from the other Pulpo al Olivo you’ve ever experienced. However, if you are in for the classic Ceviche, be prepared to be possessed by the freshness of the corvina and the placid but sharp taste of lemon. This dish, unlike many others, is created first hand when you order adding a whole different flavor and quality. Making the restaurant so distinctive from others, and the reason why you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to try this freshly made food.

If you are in for something simple yet distinctively rich, try the Pescado a la plancha. This transparent, uncomplicated, elementary dish is taken to a new level when the warm delicate fish is in your mouth and an explosion of flavor happens. Accompanied with impeccable cooked rice with a portion of alluring spice and a distinctive yerb. This is a dish you shouldn’t miss.

As you enter the door, the devoted owners will genuinely greet you. Passion, affection and respect is palpable in the air as you take a sit. The service is one the main reasons why this place makes you feel as home, comfort, relaxation and an unusual sensation of specialness will give you awareness of this rare yet extraordinary restaurant. The owners themselves will take your order, pick the dirty plates, clean the tables but most importantly, connect with you. The quickness and the quality of the service is startling. If you finish the starters they will offer you more and make sure you are satisfied.

The idea of splendid food for high amount of money will expire after you had the exquisite meal and don’t end with an empty wallet. Prices for the plates varied between ten soles to fifty soles but the quantity and the quality of the dishes won’t make you regret the cost. Panisado de Langostinos has a cost of thirtyfive soles while the Pulpo al Olivo cost thirty soles. On the other hand, the Pescado a la plancha and ceviche also costs thirty soles. The deals this place offers is something that you shouldn’t ignore.

I truly recommend this restaurant not only because of it’s splendid food, special service but as well, it’s favorable price. You will find yourself connecting to this wonderful place and will desiree to come back.

