An Incredible Trip into The Red and White Sea

Gabriel Carriquiry
The Wanderers of Peru
5 min readDec 14, 2015


Have you ever been bored at home, feeling gloomy and helpless and you are stuck watching a soccer game on your T.V? Well here’s something that will not only keep you entertained for 3 hours but will also make you feel emotions throughout the whole experience that you haven’t felt before. Soccer Stadiums. If you live in Lima, you should definitely visit the National Stadium on a match day because not only are the people chanting and screaming happily but also the stadium is very nice and unique based on its shape, size and beautiful lights. When you get to the stadium, you get a feeling of happiness you haven’t ever felt before. Imagine this, you are going up in the stairs trying to get to your seat and you still haven’t seen the pitch because the stairs are inside but then you go up and suddenly see a whole crowd gleefully singing and shouting and a stadium full of red and white colors. This is a feeling of excitement, happiness, and passion.

I believe that based on all my previous experiences on the stadium I am never bored at any moment. The entertainment is endless because even when the players have not gotten into the field yet you hear cheers and chants from the red and white crowds called “La Blanquirroja” and you also see many musicians with Peruvian clothes that play flute, drums and many other traditional instruments together joined to cheer one nation. A true fact though is that if you are Peruvian you will probably have a better time than if you are from another country because you will feel passion for you country. Still, if you are from another country except the visitors side it is very likely you will have a blast! I mean this because if you are from the opposing team and Peru scores the crowds go so wild and they shout like lions roaring on their morning stretch. Imagine if you are watching TV and the opposing team scores you will definitely feel bad. Now imagine being in a stadium in which the home side scores. Yes, you guessed right, awful!

The stadium is very secure and that is one of the reasons many people go there. there are many stadiums around the world where there have been shocking miserable accidents such as people pushing other people from the top of the stadium stands to the bottom, shooting with guns and even bombs being thrown on the pitch. When going to the national stadium of Peru there is nothing to worry about though. This is because there are an unimaginable amount of police and firefighters. There are also paramedic in case someone gets hurt in a fight or from falling. First, when you get into the stadium they double check your entrance with your ID so NO ONE can get inside without paying. Second, they make you remove any objects that could potentially harm anyone like belts, guns, sticks, etc. After the match ends they can be picked up except the guns unless the user had a permit. After this process is done you will go through a metal detector and then if you don’t have any metal objects that are injurious you will proceed. Finally, when you enter you will realise the elephantine amount of police, firefighters and medics in the zone. Around on area of 20 seats there are 6 policemen. This makes you feel safe and secure at all times during the match.

The stadium has many different parts which all have different views. The prices vary between the quality of the seats. Every seat though is very good either way because you still hear chants and see people living the moment while they are shouting and screaming for their country. Let’s start with the cheaper seats. They are north and south. They have a good view but between all the possible views they are at the bottom. if you are seating in this places you would be looking at either goal and then the pitch. The benefits of this place is that it is 150S/. cheaper than the average seat price for a good view and you still get an explicit view. Another benefit about this seats is that the chants and cheers start there and never end. This is because the most passionate people go there, every game without missing one. They shout, scream, jump and never stop. Then the remaining two places, east and west. This places are for people who want to just watch the game peacefully and comfortably. This is because you get the best view of the pitch from a horizontal angle. East costs more because you watch the players sing the national anthems with spirit. The prices vary depending on the spot you are. For example, if you are in the middle of the pitch, it will cost more than if you are on the sides but either way you will still get a very nice view and the prices are reasonable. All in all I think the prices are reasonable and they may vary depending on who Peru plays and what is the value of the match.

All in all I definitely would recommend you to go to the stadium at least once if you are in Peru. It doesn’t take much of your time, and you will definitely have a great experience. You will feel emotions you haven’t felt before and see passionate people shouting at the top of their lungs like crazy people. I think that if you want to discover new emotions, feelings, and maybe passions in you, you should definitely go to the soccer stadium.

