The Sterling Cosme

Alejandra Gomez-Barrios
The Wanderers of Peru
5 min readDec 14, 2015

Have you ever heard of Ceviche? What about Tiradito? Do you know where these foods come from? They come from Peru, very well known for its succulent food. Did your stomach start roaring yet? That’s for sure, our food is exquisite, and there is a variety of restaurants all over the country that are absolutely delicious. If you’re looking for a place where you can have a lot of fun and mouthwatering food, you should check out Cosme. Cosme is a restaurant in Lima, Peru, located in the district of San Isidro. Cosme is known for it’s really laid-back and informal environment, plus it’s appetizing plates. If you are looking for a place where it’s food will cause your jaw to drop to the floor just like cartoons do, you’ve arrived to the right place.

The food in Cosme is utterly delectable. For starters, we ordered “Langostinos Apaltados”, which is shrimp with avocado sandwich, “The Bun” which is a lamb sandwich with a sweet/spicy sauce accompanied with turnip, “Pulpo Sellado” which is octopus with quinoa and pesto sauce, and lastly one of the Chef’s recommendations, the “Mollejitas” which is delicious sweetbread accompanied with mashed potatoes . The restaurant also brings bread with butter before bringing any of the plates w ordered. The bread was just took out from the oven, it was warm and smelled delicious. It was so warm that when you spread the butter, it melted! Did your mouth start watering yet? Wait till I let you know what our main dishes were! After we finished eating the appetizers, personal plates were placed on the table. I ordered the ramen soup, and if you’re thinking the ramen noodles that you put in the microwave and is done in 2 minutes, you are mistaken. The Ramen soup in Cosme consists of miso soup, eggs, bacon and of course the noodles. My brother ordered the “Carrillera 36 Horas” which is carrillera accompanied with mashed potatoes and onions. My plate was unquestionably one of the best meals i’ve had in a long time, If you come to Cosme, be sure to order the Ramen soup and the Carrillera, which I could tell by my brother’s pleasurable expression that he thought exactly the enjoyed it very much.

Don’t you loathe when you’re at a restaurant and you order your food or drinks and it takes literally two hours for the waiters to bring what you ordered? Sitting down in your table, looking at the time constantly wondering how much longer it’s going to take? Well, if you’re in Cosme, you don’t have to fret about any of that. As soon as I sat down, the waiter came over to my table and asked for our drinks, and brought them a minute later. If you order drinks, it takes less than 2 minutes for them to place it at your table, and if you order food, it will take 5 to 10 minutes, which is pretty fast. Trust me, Cosme always wants to make their customers have the best time possible, and their fast-paced service will assuredly satisfy you 100%.

Restaurants. Every restaurant had their own unique environment. And every restaurant also has their own theme. Some are fancy, others colorful, etc. But I assure you, Cosme is thoroughly dissimilar to any restaurant you’ve seen before. The restaurant if supposed to have a “chill” vibe. The music playing in the restaurant is mostly indie, it’s pretty relaxing. The decoration is not fancy at all, it is informal. The wall is decorated with bottle caps of different colors, and the roof has colored plastic bottles hanging from it. It is supposed to be environmentally friendly, and the decoration reminds me of an appealing but brightly colored landfill. It may sound not sound that cool, but it is actually divergent and attractive. I talked to James Berckemeyer, the owner and chef of the restaurant, and he told me that the environment is one of the thing that the public enjoys the most about the restaurant, so if fancy restaurants isn’t really your thing, then come here!

After eating all these delightful plates I described previously, I am convinced that Cosme is precisely outstanding.This restaurant is completely disparate to any restaurants that i’ve visited. I personally love the informal environment, the palatable food and the fast service. Doubtless, if you come to this restaurant, it will not disappoint you!

