Press Release from a Missouri Republican after Removal of Gay History Exhibit from Capitol

T. Kent Jones
The Washington Boast
3 min readSep 11, 2021


Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash

“Before the exhibit was taken down, at least two Republican state representatives and a legislative assistant said they were opposed to its display in the Capitol.” — The New York Times, 9/4/21

From the Desk of Rep. Kurt Schnippers (R-Owls Creek)

Fellow Missourians:

Perhaps you’ve heard about an exhibit in the main hallway of the state capitol building here in Jefferson City that explained how L.G.B.T.Q. people had organized in Kansas City. Two days later, that exhibit was taken down and relocated.

All I can say to that is: you’re welcome.

First, if two elected officials are even mildly discomforted by any form of public speech — much less two elected officials AND a legislative assistant — then away it must go. Read your Federalist Papers.

Second, before you smear me as a “clueless cisgender homophobic bag of dicks,” you should know these so-called “exhibit organizers” are brazen criminals who didn’t bother to clear it with the Board of Public Buildings, even though they claim “history students” had been planning and vetting this for months and it had already toured the state.



T. Kent Jones
The Washington Boast

Writer/performer: The Daily Show on Comedy Central, The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, Morning Sedition with Marc Maron on Air America Radio, more.