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“I haven’t read this one yet but am very excited to. It really shows what our country is coming to.”

Camille Tinnin
The Washington Boast
2 min readFeb 3, 2021


THE JUNGLE by Upton Sinclair: 4 stars

This book is about an immigrant named Jurgis who moves to Chicago and expects everything to be handed to him. He works in alleged “dangerous working conditions” where people claim they lost fingers. Instead of assimilating to our American values of hard work and self-reliance, he turned to a dangerous seductress: socialism. This book shows us its downsides — unions first and foremost. I recommend it to all true American patriots.

LES MISÉRABLES by Victor Hugo: 5 stars

I love this book. I like the parts about the group of revolutionaries who fight for what is right. I personally identify with Enjolras because, like me, he is integral to the revolution. We are both anti-establishment and committed to our ideals. My other favorite character would have to be Javert; he is a true believer in law and order, just like me, and won’t let go of his beliefs.

THE ONES WHO WALK AWAY FROM OMELAS by Ursula K. Le Guin: 3 stars

Omelas is the future we are trying to build in this country: happiness and prosperity for all, or at least really close to all. You can’t save everyone. There’s no reason I should have to feel guilty about that one kid just because he doesn’t work to improve his situation. The rest of us are doing just fine.

NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR by George Orwell: Shelved on my ‘To Be Read’ List

I haven’t read this one yet but am very excited to. It really shows what our country is coming to. It perfectly encapsulates censorship from Big Tech and Cancel Culture. I experienced this firsthand when Simon and Schuster said they weren’t going to publish my upcoming book in an attempt to silence me and my constituents. We should heed it as a warning before it’s too late.



Camille Tinnin
The Washington Boast

I’ve been told I am funny for a girl, but prefer funny for a human rights activist. Aspiring academic/humorist/adult. As seen in: The Nordly, Defenestration