Submit to The Washington Boast

William Vaillancourt
The Washington Boast
2 min readSep 3, 2020
Unsplash/Steve Johnson

If you’re looking to find out how you can see your writing appear in this totally unremarkable publication, then you’ve found the right place. If you’re not, then we’re not sure why you’re here — everything okay?

As its name implies, The Washington Boast tends to focus on current events in the political realm that could benefit from a unique satirical perspective. But since daily life involves a mishmash of other things, submissions on those subjects are also welcome, however unimportant they may seem in comparison. Make the mundane interesting.

Your piece should fall into one of three categories: news stories (broad in scope or man-on-the-street), lists/quizzes/guides, or monologues (LinkedIn posts, journal entries, voicemails, etc.). That said, we will consider work that successfully blends more than one of these genres or is something different altogether. If it’s funny and clever after you’ve read it out loud to yourself, submit it.

When you’re good and ready, send an unpublished Medium draft link to with the subject line, “Washington Boast Submission.” Note if it’s a simultaneous submission. If we’re on the fence about it, we may send it back for edits with accompanying notes. If we agree to publish, we will add you as a writer on Medium. You should then submit the piece to The Washington Boast using Medium’s “add to publication” option, making sure that it has a clear, relevant featured image that you are able to use, like the ones over at Unsplash. We will then post the piece to the site and share on social media.

Then, by God, you can boast all you want about being featured in a publication that is, according to one individual with intimate knowledge of it, “alright.”



William Vaillancourt
The Washington Boast

As seen in Weekly Humorist, Robot Butt & How Pants Work, among other places. Coincidentally, my humor writing has not appeared in other places as well.