Trump Organization Revamped: Jeans-Wearing Ivanka to Sit in Chairs Backwards at Meetings

William Vaillancourt
The Washington Boast
2 min readJan 10, 2023
Flickr / Gage Skidmore

Ivanka Trump has rejoined the Trump Organization in order to improve the entity’s reputation after it was found guilty of multiple tax crimes, but her move comes on two conditions: that she be able to trade in her dresses for a pair of Wranglers, and that she attend meetings while resting her arms on the back of her chair — “the cool way,” as she put it.

Trump, who had left the organization in 2017, said she was convinced to return by her father after he pledged a 0.01 percent readjustment of his will in her favor.

“After that sign of generosity, it was clear to me that the finances were too appealing to pass up,” she recalled. “At the same time, I had to make a change if I was going to sit sober in a room with my brothers five days a week. Frankly, I am tired of having to play the part of billionaire’s daughter, with the buttoned up demeanor and whatnot. It has all been more than a bit uncomfortable.”

Trump said her more casual approach may also have a practical effect: assuaging concerns that banks and insurance companies have about doing business with an organization convicted of tax evasion. “If we’re negotiating a deal and I present myself like a high school health class guest speaker who’s talking about substance abuse in a sympathetic way, it wouldn’t surprise me if they let their guard down,” she predicted. “I may even throw in a few ‘dude’s for good measure.”

Not everyone appears to have thought the move through to the same extent.

“So she’s turning into a lesbian?” Donald Trump said. “Nice.”



William Vaillancourt
The Washington Boast

As seen in Weekly Humorist, Robot Butt & How Pants Work, among other places. Coincidentally, my humor writing has not appeared in other places as well.