Writing Because You Have to

Eventually you just have to hit publish

Joshua Wilson
The Waste Bin
3 min readNov 9, 2017



I need to write something and I need to publish it.

It doesn’t matter what it is. That’s why I’m writing this and throwing it into a publication. I don’t care if anyone reads this. In fact, I seriously hope that no one does.

You see, I’m supposedly a writer. I’m supposedly an entrepreneur. But in reality for the past seven months or so I’ve done next to nothing. I’m 80% of the way through my first non-fiction book, a beginners guide to the ketogenic diet (it’s a working title). It’s been at the same stage for nearly six months.

I’m 80% of the way through having a profitable side business. It’s been that way for almost nine months. I’ve half built blog. Another half built professional website for myself.

I’ve previously done some freelancing then stopped applying for jobs. Although I do occasionally scan the job boards. Not even half of a win there. I have over fifty unfinished articles in my Stories here on Medium alone.

I am definitely a starter and not a finisher. I even got myself all hyped up about giving NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) a go. Then I never even started.

So here I am. Writing down some words for the sake of writing them. Writing them down to force me to work. Then publishing them because I am obviously terrible at finishing something.

Perhaps some context for you dear imaginary reader.

About a year ago I left my job, then girlfriend and country behind to start anew. A crisis brought about by nearing thirty and realising I was going nowhere in life and I was almost was technically referred to ‘a wasteman’.

So I gave it all the finger and decided to be my own boss and sort my shit out. I moved to Thailand, because that’s the trendy thing to do nowadays. Worked my ass off for three months. Went on holiday for Christmas and then lost all my motivation. Now here I am eleven months later. Becoming, nay, being a bum once again.

But here’s the kicker. If I don’t work soon I’ll be out of cash and down the river without a paddle. Needless to say, that won’t be fun. So I need to make this work for me.

My problem is that I’m a starter not a finisher. Have I mentioned that yet? Which brings me back to the present. Here. Writing rubbish. So I can publish rubbish.

No chasing perfection. Just get something out there. It’s time to commit to something and make it work for me. Write something and publish it every day. Every. Single. Damn. Day.

I’m not doing it for page views. I’m not doing it for likes. I’m doing it because I have to in order to make myself work.

Right, pep talk over. I need to get some work done.

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