When I Grow Up

Pepper Boyer
The Water Cooler Chats
2 min readSep 12, 2024

911 operator, fashion designer, taxi cab driver, FBI profiler.

These are just some of the jobs I wanted when I was a kid.

I’ve always been imaginative, creative, and a natural-born leader.

I remember when I was younger, I couldn’t wait to grow up. I couldn’t wait to have a job, go to work, and be the best at whatever it was I decided to do.

My parents instilled in me a strong work ethic. Whatever you do, you do your best.

But when I graduated college and entered “the real world,” I realized it wasn’t quite what I had imagined. The excitement I had felt as a kid didn’t match the reality of grown-up work life.

Yet, one thing that never left me? My fascination with jobs and careers.

I’ve always been fascinated with jobs, careers, professional pursuits. I see people in their cars, grabbing coffee at Starbucks, or making a mad-dash from TSA to their boarding gate, and I wonder…

Where are they going? What do they do? Do they like their work?

And, that is what has brought me here.

I am so excited to welcome you to The Water Cooler Chats, where we’ll dive into all things work. Expect real, raw career spotlights, interview-style insights, and explorations of the latest trends and news in the world of work.

To kick things off, I would love to learn…

What did you want to be when you grew up? And, what do you do for work now?

Professionally yours,

Pepper | The Water Cooler

Interested in supporting me as we dive deep into the world of work? Buy me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/thewatercooler

