Your Day Job Is an Asset, Not a Burden

You don’t need to quit, you just need to learn how to leverage

Jason Gutierrez
The Water Cooler


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

In January 2016, at 26 and making $130,000 per year, I quit my job.

You might think, “Ok, surely this dumbass at least had something lined up.”

But nope, I didn’t.

I bet my future solely on my ambitions to become a blogger and hit it big. I had zero experience running a business and working for myself. Unsurprisingly, I failed miserably.

Where I went wrong

I used to look at my 9 to 5 as a burden — an impedance to accomplishing my goal of making money online.

“Imagine what I could do with an extra 40 hours a week.”

But that was just a lie that I told myself. I didn’t need to unburden my life from my day job, I just needed to learn how to leverage it.

I learned that lesson the hard way (by losing tens of thousands of $$ in lost income and savings). You can learn the easy way by not quitting your job and instead understanding why it’s such a huge asset:

It grants life’s most precious commodity — time.

You aren’t constantly pressured to make money. You have time to think clearly and…



Jason Gutierrez
The Water Cooler

Engineer. Papa. I share short essays and stories on careers, life, and the creative process 🖊: