Tyler (The Water Coolest)
The Water Coolest
1 min readNov 28, 2017


Ever had one of those weekends where you’re sure that you’ve hit a new low? Your Monday consists of sending “I’m sorry” group chats, challenging credit card transactions (that you likely made) and eating kale? Yeah, me either.

You’ve assuredly vowed to turn your life around, hit the ground running and another cliche or two. You probably even started a juice cleanse and downloaded one of those hacky productivity apps. And boy did you adhere to it with cult-like fervor for 3 days. But if you’ve ever tried to subscribe (or even if you haven’t) to the GTD (Getting Things Done) school of thought, you know it can be wildly, and I mean wildly, complicated.

Welp, I’ve got good news.

Move over Trello, there’s a new sheriff in town: meet Google Sheets. Your old friend from the days of indentured servitude as a Excel jockey has been repurposed. You can become a lean, mean, productivity machine.

Implementing GTD via Alphabet’s Excel competitor is your tickets to the promised land. So feast your eyes on this bad boy which sits somewhere between “I thought of that years ago” and “holy f*ck, that just changed my life.”

