At the precipice

Patrick Foh Jr
The Watering Hole
Published in
3 min readMay 2, 2019

A precipice:

a very steep side of a cliff or a mountain.

a dangerous situation that could lead to harm or failure or success.

It’s the eve of the 2019 Nigerian Presidential elections and I had a rather busy day despite it being a public holiday.

I had been juggling video calls with my team and at the same time trying to fix a bug that kept making my tests fail (forgive the tech speak). Finally figured out what the issue was towards evening, big relief!! I could move forward. I took a break afterward to check the inter-webs of Twitter and play some FIFA.

Didn’t spend much time on Twitter because it was chock full of tweets about upcoming elections, people appealing to others to go out and vote, same old same old.

The entire day felt like something was about to happen, couldn’t quite figure it out. Amidst my musings on the nature of the day, I got a call from a friend who wanted to grab a drink with me later on.

We decide on where to meet up an hour or so later, the venue was to be a spot called BarBar in Lekki Phase 1 but alas the gods of Lagos traffic had other plans for us. We opted to head to Rhapsody’s instead, as it was closer and we could get home quicker afterward.

Lagos traffic when you make plans

The Location

So we get to Rhapsody, the ambiance is great. They have this dark purplish lighting that really sets the mood right, and there’s also a traditional bar seating arrangement which I really like.

The cocktail menu is pretty descriptive, giving you a clear idea of the kind of trouble you can get into depending on your cocktail selection and it’s constituents.

The specials

Rhapsody offers a solid selection of cocktails; everything from your run of the mill Mojito to some very interesting specials.

The Cocktail

After going through the menu a couple of times, I settle on the “Barman Speedrail” because it was the most outlandish item I could find on the menu.

I mean look at the contents;

  • Vodka
  • Gin
  • White Rum
  • Whiskey
  • Rum
  • Brandy
  • Lime juice
  • Cranberry juice

This thing had two different kinds of rum!!! I just had to have it. When I placed my order for the cocktail, the bartender chuckled a bit when he heard my choice. As if to say “you go soon see something”.

About 10 minutes late my order comes through and it looked so beautiful in the lighting of the bar.

Then came the moment of truth, taking the first sip I had expectations of this cocktail given its constituents.

Alas, my first sip expectations were not met. I continued my conversation with my friend and then took another sip but this time it was different, it felt like something was about to happen.

By my third sip, it kicked in. I couldn’t tell which of the contents was doing the work; the vodka, the rum, or the brandy but I was enjoying myself.

In that moment I knew I had found it, my magnum opus in a sense. The Barman Speedrail had become my favorite cocktail until somebody creates a concoction that can provoke this level of enjoyment.


The Barman Speedrail costs NGN 3000.00 at the time of publication of this post.



The Barman Speedrail eases you in and then takes you on a ride. More than one and you might end up in Nirvana. It’s smooth, great looking, and packs a punch in the right areas. I would definitely recommend this anytime.

The Watering Hole Rating System

🍸Don’t do it, bro.

🍸🍸Meh! Wouldn’t be my first choice.

🍸🍸🍸You go dey alright las las.

🍸🍸🍸🍸 Weh done sir, you sabi work.

🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸 Tuale baba, after you, na you.

