Introducing Folder Sync

The best way to back up your recording projects.

Sebastian Rodríguez Serrano
Wavestack Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 1, 2015


The beta version’s out, Wavestack’s changing. The first phase was making a collaboration tool, but what’s the next step? Making a collaboration tool for music producers, professionals and enthusiasts alike. If you remember the beta 2.0 version you’ll recall that it worked only as a cloud-storage server. It updated your DAW project, it synchronized the changes that you’d made as a collaborator, thus saving your modifications. Wavestack Sync took care of this, but you still needed to add them to the Wavestack folder.

The vast competition of cloud-storage services can be quite daunting when you are trying to decide which one to use, specially if you are picky, but what happens if you have already decided and yet you still don’t feel comfortable with it? One of the drawbacks when using a certain service is not being able to sync whichever folder you want, meaning that you either need to move it to the directory that’s going to be synced all the time or upload the files directly through the app. Working with cloud services proves to be cumbersome for some, because these “limitations” get in the way.

Let’s see a case in the life of “Jack” and “Jill”, two collaborators a thousand miles apart:

‘Did you check the drum line I added to the project?’, asks Jack to Jill.
‘I did, but I realized that I just couldn’t keep up with syncing every modification made. See, I had to move some files from my external HDD to the PC, then moving some lyric changes I’d made in my brother’s Mac with a stick, and by the time I was finished I felt bored to add it all to the Wavestack folder…’

The project was due that day, and ‘Jack’ went apeshit bonkers on his set, ripping through his snare, cursing the day he had met and trusted ‘Jill’. And all that because the poor old girl couldn’t bring herself together. Well, maybe this story is stupid and false, but you guys get the point. Moving everything to the synchronized directory is, well, annoying. Moving all your files to the computer you’re working on, every time… and having the files in the shared folder on your computer, meaning that you really can’t do a backup of it since the cloud service needs to access them directly from, still keeping space in your HDD or SSD, so tiresome.

Upon receiving feedback from the users, we decided that in the new release Wavestack Sync would give a solution to this problem: the ability to synchronize any folder whatsoever, meaning that you just need to select the directory of your project in your computer, synchronize it, and then managing collaborations. The modifications that any collaborator makes is added to the project’s history log that any user can access for reviewing. Here’s running the new version:

Getting your projects in it is easier, faster, and overall better. External drives are also supported with this feature. Now, ‘Jill’ can deal with her laziness, well, maybe, just maybe.

