Wavestack app goes multiplatform

and everyday closer to the Mac release.

Javo Rosas
2 min readMay 22, 2014

Many have been asking for the Mac version of Wavestack’s sync app. Well my fellas, I’ve got news for you.

One of our major promise is to deliver Wavestack on every possible device. With the sync app, I had to start from somewhere, so my decision was to build the first version for the Windows platform, and once it had reached some level of maturity (stability, reliability), then I could build it for other platforms, like Mac/OS X.

But why starting with Windows? Anyone with a small notion of the music industry knows that Mac is the preferred platform for most producers, both professional and amateur. Believe me, I am totally aware of that.

I write code and record my music on a PC, so building it for Windows was the faster and easiest way I had at the moment. When we released the first version of the app, another developer was helping us build a native Mac app, but soon we realized we would have to maintain, fix bugs and add features to two separate native applications.

After analyzing different options, we decided to use node-webkit, which lets you write your entire application once and then compile for the 3 main platforms: Mac, Windows and Linux. The good thing is that the core of the application is already designed, so porting the code will be a lot easier (and hopefully faster) than it was starting from scratch.

These days we need people to test the app and report as many bugs they can find, so don’t be shy and reach out to us with feedback.

Remember that all we do is to make your production process easier. If you think of a way we can do that better, please let us know.


