Write for The Way Home

All nature writers, unite!

Gaia Kriscak
The Way Home


Northeaster, Winslow Homer, American, 1895–1901

I’ve been on Medium for a while now and have found some great publications focused on the environment, but none covered a blend of my three favourite topics: nature, home, and the self. So, I created one!

I want all nature writers in the Medium-verse to have a proper place to connect with each other and share their work.

Are you passionate about nature writing and love scribbling about the world around you? That’s wonderful! Let’s see if The Way Home is right for you.

Who is the Editor of The Way Home?

Picture of me holding a chicken

I’m Gaia Kriscak, a nature writer, researcher, and certified coach. I know I look quite young holding that chicken, but don’t let that fool you: I’m older (and wiser) than I look.

I low-key think that our species might be irreversibly doomed. Because of that, my goal is to enjoy who I am, infuse love and empathy into everything I do, and write about nature until I turn into moss.

I’m all about sustainability, simple living, ecocentrism, and optimistic nihilism (nothing matters, so you decide what does).

I write observational essays on nature, home, and identity. I create resources to help other nature writers thrive. Through my writing, I aim to help others find solace in the natural world, beauty in their everyday lives, and purpose in their talents.

If your goal is similar, I’m glad you found this publication. However, there are some things to consider before submitting, as I only publish stories that align with Medium’s quality guidelines.

What is TWH Looking For?

In a nutshell, I’m only looking for stories that are valuable and impactful, human-created and original, and crafted with knowledge, care, and experience.

Two of my favourite formats are:

  • Observational essays: My most beloved triad is nature, home, and self. If you have a piece of writing that offers insights on any (or all) of these categories, send it my way.
  • Insights on nature writing: There are not enough nature writing resources in this world. If you’re passionate about educational content and nature writing is your field (nature pun intended), this might just become your new favourite publication. Try me!

Quality and Formatting Guidelines

  • Carefully proofread your text, or it won’t make the cut.
  • Add at least one image to each submission. Always cite them, even if they are yours, and add the link to the caption.
  • Use the Medium editor in all its mightiness (title the titles, subtitle the subtitles et cetera).
  • Read this article about what makes an article boost-worthy.

What I Will Never Publish

  • AI stuff (I can detect it, so please believe in your talent and don’t waste my time).
  • “X Ways to Do This or That” articles (the world is already full of clickbaity things; this is not the place for more).
  • Anything that is not kind, inclusive, and respectful (why even submit something like that?).
  • Science-heavy content (I love it, but I wouldn’t feel qualified to judge it properly, as my training is within the humanities. If that’s more your jam, try Symbiotica, one of my favourite publications ever).

What I Might Publish on a Case-to-Case Basis

  • Listicles and any other format: If they align with our quality guidelines, focus on nature writing, and avoid being clickbaity, I’d be happy to consider them.
  • Fiction: While I believe that observational essays and educational content are the preferred formats for this publication, I also believe in making exceptions.

How To Become a Writer for The Way Home

  1. Follow The Way Home (I’ll check that).
  2. Submit your draft here.
  3. Share your handle and a brief message under this post.
  4. Wait three working days to receive some news (I’ll get back to you either way). If you don’t hear back from me after that time, feel free to contact me.

Non-mandatory Bonus Tip:

The Way Home is also a Substack publication. Each week I share free nature writing resources along with my own observational essays. If you are on Substack, please visit the newsletter page and reach out to me. Let’s work together to build a community of nature writers on both platforms!

I am looking forward to reading your work, and I can’t wait to see The Way Home grow into a thriving community of nature-writing enthusiasts. Thank you for reading the guidelines!



Gaia Kriscak
The Way Home

Editor of The Way Home, looking for new writers! I share free nature writing resources here: https://gaiathewayhome.substack.com/ https://linktr.ee/GaiaKriscak