Maps and other things we don’t think about

So, what do you want to know?

Benjamin Curran
The Way of The Road


Maps. I never think about maps that often. Almost every week we will look at, or use, a map, usually Google.

On the trail, Jonny and I always checked out our map before and during the trail (we were a little naughty and didn’t take a GPS or have topographical maps with us, we trusted in DoC’s track marking ability and our sense of direction, well, mine anyway).

This guy wants maps, what do you want?

So when we asked our friend Harkanwal, what he would most like to see in our book, we were both surprised when he said maps.

He had a great point. It was something neither of us had thought of but something so essential to hiking and life and useful to the reader too.

So we decided we would see what else people were interested in.

We can’t always think of the things people want to hear about or the questions some of you might have, so if you have an idea for us, or something you would like to know about on our trip then please get in touch.

Even if it sounds crazy, like how many rainbows did we see, or can we include sketches of different types of Ice Cream, just send it our way.

You can Tweet at us on Twitter, @benjamin_curran or @JonathanJCarson.

Facebook us, Benjamin Curran or Jonathan Carson.

Of course email, and

You could even send us a letter! WTF. I would actually love to get a letter but I won’t put up our addresses here because Jonny doesn’t have one and at this stage I don’t either. Coming soon.

