Tupac or Biggie.

How to combine stylez.

Benjamin Curran
The Way of The Road


It hadn’t really been difficult for me. Until now.

I’ve never written a book before, and neither has Jonny. Unless he has some Higgs and Boon novels he has been keeping secret, that dog.

Anyway, I didn’t imagine it would be easy and it has, like everything, had its ups and its downs. Sometimes there is writer’s block and at other times the content flows. But I guess writing the content down is the easy part and writing the actual book is a straight forward process.

But, I am not alone. Jonny and I decided to undertake this project together and this means, that instead of one author, there are two.

We knew that we were going to have over lapping content and contrasting styles, and that we would have to somehow combine the two parts.

Recently, we have started the process of combining a chapter, to see how everything fits and see how we can best present our story. It is a really interesting but difficult process so far. And probably the biggest challenge I have faced, to date, in getting our story out.

I know it can be done, just look at 2Pac and Biggie. Two completely different styles of rap, but they combined on a song together successfully. I know, I know, they ended up having beef and saying derogatory things about each others wives, despite that it did work and besides, Jonny and I aren’t married.

I often find I carry on writing other parts of the book when I am supposed to be working on combining our chapter together. I hope this is a good thing and as I type away I think about how it will best fit together and wait for that lightning moment.

If two of the biggest rappers of the nineties could put aside their ego’s, then I know there is hope for Jonny and I.

