Welcome and Info!

Rob Colter
The Way of The Stoa
2 min readApr 23, 2022

Hi There!

Welcome to the Way of the Stoa! This Medium publication will focus on Stoic and Stoic related philosophical practice and theory. Some articles may be somewhat technical, but still focused on Philosophy as a Way of Life. Other articles might be reflections of personal experiences and how Stoicism or other philosophical viewpoints can help us to live better lives. The aim is to bring clarity and precision to the discussion of Stoicism and living Stoically.

A bit more about me, Rob Colter. As the editor and currently only writer for this publication, I aim to have somewhat regular articles that meet the above description. I am Senior Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of Wyoming. My specialties are in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy and Philosophical Pedagogy. I received my PhD in Philosophy from Northwestern University, an MA in Classical Studies from the University of Colorado, and a BA in Philosophy from the University of Puget Sound, in Tacoma WA. I have held academic posts at Michigan State University, Centre College, and have been at the University of Wyoming since 2007. I teach courses at all levels, from introductory to advanced graduate seminars.

I have written a number of public-facing essays on Stoicism, my Stoic-related projects, and Living Stoically. For example, here, here, and here. Some interviews I’ve done are here and here.

In addition to my regular academic duties, I am co-director of Wyoming Pathways from Prison, a program for the promotion and teaching of courses to individuals incarcerated in the Wyoming prison system. I have personally taught over 100 students housed in the Wyoming Department of Corrections, mostly in courses on Stoicism and Socrates.

I also am the founder and director of Wyoming Stoic Camp, the first (to my knowledge) fully immersive experience with living Stoically, as a way of life. You can find out more about that here. The camp occurs every May, fate permitting, in the Snowy Range of the Rocky Mountains. Please reach out at the link above if you might be interested in attending!

I am also co-host, with my friend Massimo Pigliucci, of the Philosophy as a Way of Life Podcast, which covers a variety of different philosophies, sometimes with guests from all over the world!

I hope you can find something that is interesting or helpful here. Also, please reach out if you might be interested in becoming a writer here, and let’s talk!



Rob Colter
The Way of The Stoa

Senior Lecturer at the University of Wyoming specializing in Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy as a Way of Life, and Philosophical Pedagogy.