The Sex-Work vs. Anti-Trafficking Debate: Up Close and Personal

What one ex-sex-worker’s adult son’s FB page sometimes looks like.

Christine Capra
The Way We Love Now
2 min readJul 5, 2015


Several months back, my adult son, who lives in Korea posted an interview with a Korean sex-worker on his FB page.

(it’s about police harrassment)

An anti-trafficking type called her a liar

A debate ensued.

The anti-trafficking dude

The son

The anti-dude

The me, semi-code-talking to the son

The anti-dude

(innocently tripping a whole bunch of my triggers — what pomposity!!!)

That link

The son

The anti-

The son

Yup —

getting snotty. . .

(feels great every once in a while)

the anti-(timing-pre-my-tirade)

the anti-(oops, maybe he puffed himself a hair bigger than he ought)

A female friend (of son) steps in, I’m appreciative — ‘Link to Lies, damned lies and sex work statistics’

Another female friend

yup — the mom again, the poor anti- put a quarter in & mom’s going to spend two days trying (& failing) to pull the plug. (it’s not her FB page after all, and, you know, mother/son dynamics & all that. She’s doing some serious encroaching. . .)

The son —

Another female friend

The anti-

The friend who calls me his ‘mum’.

A male friend

Another female friend

Ms. Encroachment again

Mom in melt-down . . .

Prior female friend

Mom almost feeling remiss. . .

The anti-

Prior female friend.

So sweet!

The son

Another female friend

Tirade fades into memory. . .

(I confess — it kinda tired me out. And I have the luxury of getting to let it recede)

Yet it arises again.

. . . And Mum decides it wants another shot at a hearing & posts on Medium.

Mum likes Medium.



Christine Capra
The Way We Love Now

Social connective tissue | network guardian, network/systems mapping | sex-worker activism | role of feminine archetypes in system-change