Waylo: The Travel Blogger’s Secret Weapon

Gregg Thatcher
The Waylo
Published in
5 min readMay 21, 2017

Are you looking for new ways to improve the appeal of your travel blog, but don’t have an ideal where to start?

Tried affiliate marketing in the past but it turned out to be more work than you expected and you’re not sure if you made a return on your investment?

When it comes down to it, the secret of success relies solely on the value you provide to your readers.

Value comes in many forms, and whether it be from products, services, promotional discounts or educational content — your site needs to provide it if you want to stand out from the crowd.

Waylo’s online hotel booking service can be your next secret weapon for providing added value to your readers — the value they deserve.

How Waylo’s Hotel Booking Chatbot Benefits You as a Travel Blogger

Increases Average Time on Page

Engagement is what really separates a successful blog from the millions of others out there on the net. Think of engagement as a thermometer signalling the virtual bond between blogger and reader — the more engagement, the hotter the blogger.

Providing valuable content for your readers that identifies and solves their problems is the first step in building this bond. But, if a visitor leaves your site soon after taking that nugget of gold you’ve shared, all the time and effort you put in would have gone to waste.

Increasing the time your readers spend on site is one of the best ways to build your following. To do this you’ll want to provide valuable content and services that they spend time engaging with.

Unlike other affiliate marketing companies The Waylo Hotel Booking Chatbot allows your readers to book their hotel accommodation without ever having to leave your site. This reduces the risk of visitors leaving before they’ve had the chance to read and engage with other pages on your blog.

The more time readers spend on you blog the more value they get, and the more likely they are to return in the future. This increases opportunities to build your email subscription list, learn more about your readers and create even more valuable content or products and services to market in the future.

Provides Your Blog with an Added Channel of Income

As you build a connection with your readers, encouraging them to stay on your site, you will open up opportunities to monetize your blog.

The Waylo Hotel Booking service is a great and easy way to earn some extra cash through your site.

Conventional affiliate marketing strategies require you to direct readers to an affiliate’s site to make a purchase.

The problem with the conventional method is that you, the blogger, are not always guaranteed to see a commission for each referral from your site.

Generally, not everyone books their hotel immediately after landing on your affiliates page and may wait a period of time before going ahead with the booking. This makes it difficult to track and often you may miss out on your commission.

Waylo has the best interests of both buyer and blogger in their strategy and provide their entire online hotel booking service right there on your page. This means your readers never have to leave your site and you don’t have to experience hiccups when it comes to your commission.

What makes Waylo appealing to your readers is the savings they receive booking hotels through your site. Most other online hotel booking services charge the hotels a 15%-30% commission rate and in turn these hotels increase their rates to ensure they remain profitable.

Waylo works differently to other booking providers in the market, as they refund most of their commission to the person using the service. This means that your readers will earn a minimum savings of 10% on each of their online bookings. Also since Waylo doesn’t publish the rates online hotels can actually earn a bit more per booking as well.

Your readers will feel a sense of appreciation after receiving such a bargain on a consistent basis, this appreciation will extend to you by association — and again, builds the connection between you and your followers.

“I’ve been using @theWaylo for my personal travels (including my India travel)
and they are at least 10% below Kayak/Expedia etc.”

- Sahil B, Business Operations Manager, Netsil

Provides Greater Value to You and Your Readers

The service is extremely easy to use as the Waylo chatbot walks the user through the entire process, giving them helpful advice and options for booking the best deal possible in under 2 minutes.

You too benefit from this ease of use, as it is the perfect set it and forget it affiliate marketing program. Use Waylo as a source of passive income so you can spend more time on the things you love — like traveling and writing your blog.

Waylo also has a great customizable feature to help it stay relevant to a specific page. Let’s say you’ve written a wonderful blog about your whirlwind culinary tour through the south of Italy. Your amazing writing skills have convinced your readers they too need to visit Italy. Waylo allows you to build a custom link for each city in Italy you visited prepping the chatbot for best hotel deals in that city. Now that’s page relevance with helpful and intuitive value.


Summing it up, Waylo is the perfect secret weapon for all travel bloggers as it provides a number of benefits, like:

  • Higher engagement on you blog
  • Increased time spent on page
  • Provides value to your readers
  • Positions your blog as a helpful resource
  • Keeps traffic on your site
  • Provides you with an extra source of income
  • Guaranteed commissions
  • Easy to use set it and forget it system
  • Customizable features
  • Massive savings on online hotel booking

To find out more on how you can start providing the Waylo service on your travel blog today, simply click this link to get in touch.

