Discovering the “Story Cubes”

Fernando Agüero
The Web is the platform
2 min readJun 1, 2016

Last month I discovered the Story Cubes while navigating on my Instagram feed. One of the users I follow, @peregrinogris, started the #100dayproject using this kids toy that boost creativity.

Fright, Animalia and Mythic dices packs

They are basically packs of themed dices that you roll to create stories. It’s recommended to mix dices from different sets to generate an interesting story. Another tip is to start by writing 100-words stories. Constraints are another way to boost creativity.

What the creators say:

We started out making a creative problem solving tool combining evocative symbols and story making to fire the imagination. It has evolved into a universal story generator, satisfying an almost tribal need for storytelling.

People say that reading is a great way to improve your writing, and since I’m happy with my recent read habit reinforcement (thanks to 1984 and Creativity Inc.), the next step is to start writing more again.

Dices rolled by @peregrinogris

My plan is to start writing 100-word stories each day and post a weekly article with them. I already ordered this pack on Amazon!

Update: I already wrote my first stories

Never settle.



Fernando Agüero
The Web is the platform

Technical Product Manager at @_langAI. Open Web Evangelist. Author of “The Success Hacker” book. Get it on