Support Android Platform 11

The Web Tub
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2022

Support for Android Platform 11 is now available.
The following are the main updates for the latest Android platform

  • Target API level has been updated to ‘32’
  • New splash screen format

How to use Android Platform 11

Android Platform 11 can be used by following the steps below.
Only Cordova 11 or higher projects are eligible for this service.

  1. Log in to the Monaca IDE.
  2. Open the target project.
  3. From the header menu, click “Build -> Build Environment Settings”

API Level Update

Starting with Android Platform 11, the API level is now 32.
Therefore, if you have specified the target SDK version in the Android application settings screen, this setting is no longer necessary.

New Splash Screen format

Starting with Android platform 11, the “Splash Screen API” is supported and the latest splash screen format is available.

To set up the new splash screen format, log in to the Monaca IDE and follow the steps below.

  1. Open the target project.
  2. Open “Settings -> Android App Settings” from the header menu
  3. Change the splash screen setting mode to “Auto Resize”
  4. Upload an image
  5. Set the splash screen background color. (If not set, white)
  6. Click “Save” button

Splash Screen Images

Splash screen images must be prepared in the following formats.

  • Format: PNG
  • Size: Square (aspect ratio 1:1)
    - 288px × 288px (recommended)
    - Icons in the image should fit within a circle 192px in diameter.

For more detailed image specifications, please refer to the Android Developers Document.

Example of splash screen setup

Setting the splash screen image
If only the splash screen image is set, it will be displayed on the mobile device as shown below.

The left figure shows the splash screen image you set. The figure on the right shows what will be displayed on the mobile device.

Since no background color is set, the background is white.

Setting Splash Screen Image and Background Color
If you set the splash screen image and background color, the following will be displayed on your mobile device.

In the figure on the left, the background color is set to “#d33939”. This results in the background color being displayed in red on the mobile device.

Other Points to Note

Disabling the Splash screen Plugin

Starting with the new splash screen, the Splash screen plugin is no longer needed. Therefore, please disable the Splash screen plugin in the plugin management screen.

Animated Vector Drawable (AVD)

XML for animated vector drawables (AVD) is not supported in the Monaca application configuration screen.

To use AVD, place the prepared XML file anywhere in the project and use the following tag in config.xml to set the splash file location.

<preference name="AndroidWindowSplashScreenAnimatedIcon" 
value="res/android/screen/splashscreen.xml" />

In the example of the preference tag above, the XML file is placed and set under the directory “res/android/screen/” in the project.

