Anna’s Weekly Tea

Anna Diaconu
The Weekly Hoot
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2019

So I haven’t written one of these in several weeks. That’s kind of sad. I’d like to give myself some kind of excuse for not writing one of these in such a long time, but honestly, the best I can come up with is I’m tired.

I’m so freaking tired. I always forget how much the end of January and the beginning of February absolutely sucks. Each year I’m so excited for the holidays and it’s all happy and then freaking January rolls around and it just hits me mentally and physically.

Literally everyone and their mother is sick. I had a cold last week and it absolutely sucked. And weirdly enough, the worst part was staying home from school.

Like when you were a kid it was all fun to stay home because you just got to hang out with your dog in your pajamas and watch Spongebob. But now, you can’t even relax when you’re home sick because you’re just thinking about all the stuff you’re missing and how hellish it’s gonna be to make it all up.

It’s like we’re being punished for not having super-human immune systems.

And I always get super upset when people come to school sick because like… how dare you compromise me? But I honestly kind of get it. Because the amount of work we’re given is so overwhelming.

Here’s a thought- maybe if we had better resources in place for when students stay home sick our campus would be a much cleaner place??? Because half the students wouldn’t be sick all the time?? I dunno, just an inkling.


That’s kind of all I have to rant about this week. But on another note, I have a little story.

So my dad and I were talking about snow days at Overlake, and we came up with a great plan.

What if we got one of those fake snow machines, and then in the night just covered Matt Horvat’s house in snow?

Picture this, Matt gets up in the morning, and on his way to the closet where he keeps all of his North Face fleece vests, he looks his window to see 6 feet of snow. He’d be all like “Oh golly, we’ve been snowed in”. And then we’d have no school and it’d be so legendary.

You might be asking yourself, “Anna why are you publicizing your plan on a public site?”

To which I’d respond, “Let’s not pretend like Matt Horvat reads my articles. Please.”

But just in case he is, please don’t take me to SRB, Matt. I’m not actually going to cover North Campus in snow. (Or am I?)

