Anna’s Weekly Tea

Anna Diaconu
The Weekly Hoot
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2018

Hey guys.

So I mean this week was kind of crazy, right? Let’s honestly not even talk about how many major assignments I have due this Monday. So many. Well like 4, but that’s still more than Gerald Buhaly would probably be comfortable with.

Here’s the thing with the major assignment calender — it’s not REALLY helping my mental health.

Whenever I want to use my mental health pass, I just kind of freak out because what if my teachers think I’m lazy? What if I want to use it later? What if I’m more mentally unhealthy in a month than I am now?

So essentially I tire myself out thinking about the mental health pass that I just end up perpetuating my own anxiety and doing the work anyways. The mental health pass really just is not meant for mentally unhealthy people. Kind of ironic.

Also, I just don’t think the major assignment calender is working. Look at my canvas calender.

WHAT?! This is crazy. I get heart palpitations just looking at this.

And I know it’s probably kind of annoying that I’m chatting about this, because I get really annoyed when people talk about the amount of work they have.

Like, “Wow, crazy that you signed up for three APs and now you have homework. What a messed up society that we live in.” I know that it’s annoying, because I get annoyed when people do the same thing.

I’ve always thought that when you sign up to take an AP, you forgo the right to complain about any amount of work that you have in that class because you knew that going in.

I mean the school essentially makes you sign your life away for the next year when you take on 3 APs, and they make Gerald Buhaly approve that contract. (You know something’s serious when they make Gerald Buhaly sign it. Which really is why I should have listened because Gerald’s a smart guy. But I digress.)

But, come on. This is just ridiculous.

It’s kind of hypocritical, isn’t it? You feel it’s perfectly fine to complain about the amount of work you have, but when someone else does it you feel like you want to have a seizure?

I know it’s hypocritical, but like, I’m not going to stop doing it. Tee hee.

So that’s the tea, sis. I’m essentially a hypocrite and no one can stop me. Oops.

