How to Stay Productive and Positive During Online School or Work

Sarah G
The Weekly Hoot
Published in
5 min readJan 22, 2021

By: Sarah G. and Parie K.

Taking Breaks off Screen

Due to COVID-19, we spend an extensive amount of time on technology, so stepping away from the screen on breaks is a great idea. This will give your eyes a break and allow time to go outside or stretch, which will give you more energy.

Build a Routine

Starting your day off right is important as it sets the impression for the whole day. Waking up right requires being excited about your day and plans. Incorporating things that you love doing in your daily routine can make you start the day more positively. Ultimately, thinking with a positive attitude can have a huge impact on your routine and day.

Wake Up with Extra Time in the Morning

Waking up with extra time in the morning allows you to have more time to become awake and alert before starting your daily tasks. This will also give you time to complete your morning activities, therefore not adding to any stress you might have. Additionally, waking up with extra time can also contribute to forming a routine, as mentioned above.

Use a Planner or To-Do List

A planner or To-Do List is a great way to organize and keep track of your daily tasks. Writing out assignments, deadlines, and more can help ensure you get all your responsibilities done each day. Additionally, if studying for an exam, writing out a study plan in your planner can be very beneficial and help you stay productive.

Leave Time in your Day to do Something for Yourself

Doing fun activities for yourself is necessary to keep good mental health during this strange time. Scheduling time in your daily routine (for doing something for yourself off-screen) helps make it a priority in your life. Whether it be painting, listening to music, reading, etc., it is good to do something off-screen that you enjoy. Scheduling time for this makes it a lot less stressful and more doable.


Journaling is not only a great way to pass the time, but it also allows you to see how much you’ve grown and changed since the beginning of quarantine. Journaling allows you time in the day to self-reflect and to understand where you have room for improvement. Journaling also improves mental health and can make you feel a lot more energetic and positive. Journaling can also be very quick and easy, and one can start by just noting a few positive things about their day.

Keep in Contact with Friends

Due to the coronavirus, many people are not going to school or work, making it more challenging to keep in contact with friends and family, and requires us to find new ways to keep in touch. Although it is more difficult now, it is essential to talk to your friends as they can help you with problems, stress, and can boost your happiness. To keep in contact with friends, you can text, facetime, call, organize Zoom or Teams meetings, and more.

Drink Water

Drinking water keeps you hydrated and healthy. It also increases your energy levels and can give you a little boost to finish your day strongly. Drinking water can also improve your brain function, and help you focus through a tough day of online school.

Go Outside — Move Your Body

A lot of time is spent inside, especially now, during the coronavirus, so taking time out of your day to get outside or exercise will greatly benefit you. Moving your body, whether that is walking, working out, stretching, yoga, etc., will give you a break from your work or school. It can also reduce your stress and lead to you being more positive while working or doing school online. Additionally, taking a break from working or school will give your mind a break, and then when you get back to that work, you can be more productive.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping for the recommended time (varies on age groups) is extremely important and will have a big impact on your day. Sleep gives your brain time to rest, which is important for online school or work.

